
Gender Inequality In Rural India, A Deeper Look Beyond The Global Gap

Yogesh Kumar June 24, 2024

A large network of women's collectives in the form of Self groups across rural India has the potential to transform social norms and gender relations and support women in participating in the political process. Programmes like MGNREGS can significantly...

Clean Energy Powers India's Path to Economic Growth and Cleaner Air

Saurabh Kumar June 15, 2024

Green jobs not only provide livelihood opportunities, thereby reducing poverty but also empower local communities by ensuring reliable and affordable energy access

Solar-Powered Solutions Bridging The Gap In Last-Mile Healthcare Delivery

One of the most innovative uses of solar energy in healthcare logistics is cold storage for vaccines and medications. Solar-powered refrigerators and cold chain devices can keep these supplies at the appropriate temperatures without relying on unstable local...

Ankita Mittal June 14, 2024

Warehouse To Consumer, Building A Greener Supply Chain

Green warehouses are designed to minimise environmental impact through energy-efficient lighting, insulation, and waste management systems

Jitendra Srivastava June 13, 2024