
Climate Change Demands Action, Green Building Certifications Lead The Way

By Gopalakrishnan Padmanabhan June 20, 2024

The impact of green certifications reverberates on a global scale. Beyond national borders, these certifications influence architectural norms, construction methodologies, and societal expectations. Structures designed with sustainability in mind transcend geographical boundaries, embodying a shared responsibility towards the planet and its inhabitants

Climate Change Demands Action, Green Building Certifications Lead The Way

In recent years, the global imperative for sustainable practices has emerged as a cornerstone for building a resilient and responsible future. As we navigate through 2024, the trends in green building certifications continue to shape our approach towards sustainable architecture, emphasising the significance of practices that prioritise environmental health, social equity, and economic prosperity.

At the heart of our journey towards a sustainable future lies the recognition of the paramount importance of sustainable practices. These practices extend beyond mitigating environmental impact to encompass creating spaces that foster well-being, resilience, and harmony with our surroundings. Sustainable practices not only address immediate concerns but also lay the groundwork for a legacy of responsible stewardship for generations to come.

While green buildings have always existed, they have become more pronounced post-pandemic—a time that highlighted a greater need for healthier living conditions. What is different about them? By definition, green buildings are structures that are built to amplify the positive and mitigate the negative effects throughout the lifecycle of a building. This means everything from its design to construction as well as its operations and maintenance are considered,

According to a report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the need of the hour is a ‘rapid and far-reaching’ sustainable transition in land, energy, buildings, transport, and cities to meet global carbon reduction goals. Since buildings account for almost 40% of global energy-related carbon dioxide, it is critical to shift to sustainable architecture. Moreover, as per research by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), our physical and social environments have a direct impact on our health, much more than our lifestyle and genetics.

The only way to establish the legitimacy of green buildings is through certifications. Green certifications play a pivotal role in advancing sustainable practices within the built environment. They provide a standardised framework for evaluating and recognising structures that meet stringent criteria for energy efficiency, resource conservation, and overall environmental responsibility. These certifications act as guideposts, steering the industry towards a more conscientious and environmentally sensitive trajectory.

As we survey the current landscape, we witness a growing awareness and commitment to sustainable building practices worldwide. Governments, businesses, and communities are embracing green certifications as a tangible way to manifest their dedication to environmental responsibility. This shift in perspective is not merely a trend but a fundamental reimagining of our approach to constructing and inhabiting spaces. India has witnessed a significant surge in green building projects, driven by environmental concerns, governmental incentives, and a growing awareness of sustainable practices. As of 2022, India boasts more than 7,000 registered green building projects with the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), covering over 10 billion square feet. Key sectors embracing green construction include commercial buildings, residential complexes, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities.

Global Impact of Certifications

The impact of green certifications reverberates on a global scale. Beyond national borders, these certifications influence architectural norms, construction methodologies, and societal expectations. Structures designed with sustainability in mind transcend geographical boundaries, embodying a shared responsibility towards the planet and its inhabitants. 

LEED v5 represents a significant milestone in the journey towards sustainable building practices. This certification places a heightened emphasis on equity, health, ecosystems, and resilience, aligning itself with the urgent goals outlined in global accords like the Paris Climate Agreement. It is not just a certification; it's a commitment to creating spaces that are not only environmentally sound but also socially inclusive and resilient.

Emerging Trends in Green Building

Emerging trends in green building are characterized by a dynamic fusion of innovative technologies, materials, and design philosophies. The emphasis is on creating structures that go beyond mere functionality, incorporating elements that contribute positively to the environment and the well-being of occupants. This shift towards holistic sustainability sets the stage for a more conscious and responsible approach to construction.

Additionally, the integration of technology stands out as a driving force in enhancing the efficiency and impact of green buildings. Smart technologies, data analytics, and artificial intelligence are being harnessed to optimise resource usage, monitor environmental performance, and create spaces that respond intelligently to the needs of their occupants. Real estate sector is adopting technologies like Smart Building Systems for real-time monitoring of energy usage, temperature control, and security.

Renewable Energy Integration to reduce reliance on conventional energy; IoT (Internet of Things) to optimise resource utilisation, automate functions, and enhance overall building efficiency; and Building Information Modelling (BIM) for accurate planning, design, and construction, minimising waste and optimising resource allocation.

Embarking on a path towards global sustainability is not without its challenges. Economic considerations, regulatory frameworks, and overcoming resistance to change pose hurdles. However, these challenges bring with them opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and the establishment of new industry norms that prioritise sustainability and societal well-being. The challenges present opportunities for innovation and collaboration, fostering the development of new technologies and solutions.

  • Market Leadership: Companies embracing green building practices can gain a competitive edge by positioning themselves as leaders in sustainability.
  • Government Initiatives: Supportive governmental policies and incentives globally create opportunities for businesses and individuals to invest in green building practices.
  • Rising Environmental Awareness: Growing global environmental consciousness presents an opportunity for increased public demand for green buildings, driving market growth.
  • Job Creation: The green building sector offers opportunities for job creation, particularly in emerging technologies and sustainable practices.

Way Forward

As we look to the future, the way forward is a collective commitment to sustainable practices that transcend individual interests and borders. The journey involves continued collaboration, education, and advocacy for responsible building practices. Green certifications, like LEED v5, serve as guides on this path, offering a roadmap towards a sustainable future where our structures harmonise with the environment and contribute positively to the well-being of all. This is not merely a trend, but a transformative journey towards a future we can be proud to leave for generations to come.

(Gopalakrishnan Padmanabhan is the Managing Director of Southeast Asia and Middle East, Green Business Certificate Institute)
