
Go Digital, Reduce Paper Usage, Make Events Sustainable

By Amit Relan June 17, 2024

A sustainable event relies on a network of professional partners who share the same pledge towards the environment. Partnering with them also boosts your event’s green credentials

Go Digital, Reduce Paper Usage, Make Events Sustainable

Sustainability isn’t fancy jargon today. Considering the detrimental impacts of climate change that all of us are experiencing, industries are becoming more conscious of their ways of doing business. The events industry isn’t far behind, with the workforce consistently working towards developing and implementing solutions that mitigate the adverse effects on the environment.

Owing to cutting-edge technical developments, the industry has at its disposal several options to choose from in order to design unforgettable experiences. When everyone is headed towards adopting and living consciously, why would we, the architects of experiential marketing and events, be far behind? It takes a few simple steps and meticulous planning to ensure an environment friendly event.

Here are 6 approaches for executing a successful, sustainable event:

  • Organise the Waste Management Process

In order to streamline the process of waste collection, we ensure the installation of recycle bins and provide clear signage for waste disposal (dry waste, wet waste, and plastic). This is more important when food and beverages are part of the event. One can also look at sustainable caterers in this regard. The use of sustainable event elements such as recyclable décor, natural materials such as jute, cotton, refillable water stations, etc. can aid in a successful waste management process during an event.

  • Incorporate Digital Tools and minimise paper usage.

QR code driven registration prior to the event or use of digital registration during an event reduces the need to print on paper. We can send event schedules, digital invites prior to the event via these methods. Installation of LED standees to avoid printing on Flex is an optimal solution as well. This gives us ample options to play around with the content and make it more interactive. Digital event gates and stage fabrication with LED screens (with anamorphic content playing on them) are also options to limit the use of printing on flexes.

  • Associating with partners who are local talent

A sustainable event relies on a network of professional partners who share the same pledge towards the environment. Partnering with them also boosts your event’s green credentials. They not only help to reduce the event’s carbon footprint but also add social value to the event by supporting local communities and ethical causes. Thus, let our event experiences serve as a platform where we strive to spark change.

  • Use of energy efficient light and other technologies to enhance event experience

Lighting and technology play a critical role, but, they can also be a major source of energy consumption. LED screens and energy-efficient projectors not only reduce energy consumption but also provide a better attendee experience with high-quality, vibrant images. Given the plethora of efficient technology options that are available today, creating a truly exhilarating event experience is much easier.

  • Sustainable event giveaways and merchandise

Eco-friendly gifting and merchandise options have taken centre stage in events today. There are sustainable merchandise creators who curate options that are good for the environment but also durable for long term usability. These options are also bio-degradable since they are made with plant-based or recyclable material.

  • Partner up with Green Sponsors and Reporting Organisations

Green sponsors enhance an event’s sustainability reputation and attract additional eco-conscious support. From showcasing their green initiatives to aligning with shared sustainability goals, green sponsors can have a big impact on an event.

(Amit Relan, Co-Founder- WOOT Luxe Events)
