
Finance To Be Key For Climate Course

Shafiqul Alam November 26, 2023

COP28: Mobilising finance will be vital for aligning activities with the Paris climate deal negotiated at COP21 for limiting global warming to 1.5° C by 2100

Leveraging Technology For Waste Management

Vikram Prabakar November 25, 2023

Time For Climate Action Reboot

Bose K Varghese November 24, 2023

Aiming For Green Real Estate Revolution

Raghuvinder Singh Pathania November 22, 2023

Effective sustainable real estate strategy optimises economic, social, and environmental aspects of investments, while minimising risks and maximising returns 

Beyond Emissions To A Sustainable Future

COP 28: As the international community gears up for the 2023 Global Stocktake, India staunchly advocates for climate justice, the promise of green growth, and addressing the devastating losses due to climate events

Neeha Mujeeb And Satyam Vyas November 21, 2023

Weaving The Threads Of Change For A Sustainable Cotton Farming Industry

It is estimated that the industry provides direct livelihood to six million farmers, with an additional 40–50 million people employed in cotton trade and...

Sumeet Mittal November 20, 2023