
Closing The Loop

Abhay Deshpande November 15, 2023

COP 28: The global leaders are expected to converge to collectively address the urgent challenges in embracing circular economy

Statutory ESG Assurance To Challenge Companies In FY’24

Bose K Varghese November 03, 2023

At a time when green washing is rampant throughout the world, mandatory ESG disclosure and third-party assurance of disclosures are the primary weapons that regulators deploy against green washing

Will The UAE Presidency Succeed In Securing Tangible Climate Wins At COP28

COP28: The first global stocktake mandated by the Paris Agreement is expected to be conducted at the COP28 to check progress of countries with reference to their commitments

Abhiir Bhalla November 02, 2023

Building Assets And Supporting Environment Through Carbon Credits

Diversifying investment portfolios to encompass green economy initiatives and carbon credits is emblematic of a broader shift towards environmentally...

Koushik Sur November 02, 2023