
Promoting Permaculture Food Forests As Carbon Sinks

Sunith Reddy December 02, 2023

COP 28: Embracing resilient techniques such as composting, no-till farming and more effective fertiliser delivery, permaculture system eliminate the presence of these poisonous gases

Leveraging On Business Impact

Prarthana Borah November 29, 2023

COP 28: Choices made in the next few years can play a decisive role in how the planet's future shapes up. Business choices can tide over climate risks as well as create opportunities in the transition, but more importantly, they can influence consumers

Competitive Edge Of Green Buildings

Collaboration between developers, policymakers, and stakeholders is paramount in navigating the complexities of the real estate landscape. Industry-wide initiatives, partnerships, and knowledge-sharing can expedite the transition to more sustainable practises

Deep Vadodaria November 27, 2023

Steam Turbines Can Play Key Role In Enhancing Energy Efficiency

An IEA report reveals cooling needs are slated to rise three-fold, from 12TW to 36TW by 2050

Arun Mote November 27, 2023