
Cold Fact: 2023 Was The Warmest Year Ever

The planet is likely to breach the Paris Agreement target of containing the rise in global temperatures to below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels over the next 12 months

By Outlook Planet Desk 11/01/2024

UN: 2023 To Be The Hottest Ever, Urgent Global Action Needed

UN issues a stark warning on rising temperatures, with Secretary-General Guterres calling for immediate global measures to combat climate collapse and protect vulnerable communities from catastrophic impacts

By Outlook Planet Desk 01/12/2023

World Headed For Nearly 3 Degrees Celsius Warming If Drastic Steps Not Taken: UN Report

Countries must reduce emissions by 28 percent to cap global warming at 2 degrees celsius and by 42 percent to meet the 1.5 degrees celsius goal

By PTI 21/11/2023

UN Emissions Gap Report Warns Of Drastic 2.5-2.9°C Temperature Rise Without Urgent Climate Action

The UN Environment Programme's stark findings reveal the world's perilous trajectory towards a temperature surge, urging leaders to break the cycle of broken promises and embrace bold climate action

By Outlook Planet Desk 21/11/2023