
Orissa Sees Potential In ‘Nutrition Education on Wheel’ Model

Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) is negotiating with women collectives of the state to replicate mobile teaching kitchen model to impart nutrition education. The response is encouraging…

By Narayani Rajashree Kanungo 14/05/2020

Why Organic Is Much In Demand These Days; A Positive Change To Think About

Undaunted by multiple challenges, women entrepreneurs strive to get a foothold and make a success of their organic farming and production enterprises. Many are banking on government help for better impact.

By Charupadma Pati 03/03/2020

Unaware Rural Parents Are Harming Their Children Under Guise of Love and Care

Two-third of children aged between 6 months to 1 year are consuming biscuits at least once a day in rural Bihar. Unfortunately, most of the available and generally consumed biscuits in rural Bihar are not healthy and nutritious for children.

By Indrajit Chaudhuri 29/02/2020

Measuring Tape - The New Medical Instrument

In addition to measuring Body Mass Index (BMI), all doctors now measure waist circumference in overweight and obese adults to assess abdominal obesity. This helps in identifying adults at increased risk for morbidity and mortality

By Dr KK Aggarwal 28/02/2020

How Food And Beverage Companies In India Play Vital Role In Addressing ‘Double-Burden Malnutrition’

In the backdrop of the prevalence of double burden of malnutrition in India, the report by ATNI, an international non-profit organization that seeks to improve consumers’ access to nutritious foods and beverages across several countries, reveals that...

By Charupadma Pati 27/02/2020

How Food And Beverage Companies In India Play Vital Role In Addressing ‘Double-Burden Malnutrition’

In the backdrop of the prevalence of double burden of malnutrition in India, the report by ATNI, an international non-profit organization that seeks to improve consumers’ access to nutritious foods and beverages across several countries, reveals that...

By Charupadma Pati 27/02/2020

Protein - A Key ‘Building Block’ Of Life

Government surveys reveal that consumption of this macronutrient has been on a gradual decline, leading to protein deficiencies in approximately 73% of Indians today

By Outlook Planet Desk 27/02/2020

Advancing Nutritious Food Crops: The Role of the Public Sector

The public sector plays a vital catalytic role, through enabling policies and programs, in ensuring that biofortified crops like iron pearl millet, zinc wheat, and zinc rice reach the most vulnerable populations to address the problem of ‘hidden hunger’.

By Arun Baral 25/02/2020

Time To Step Up War Against All-Pervasive Invisible Enemy

A first-hand account of the travails of tribal population in remote parts of Chhattisgarh who are grappling against great odds including nutrition-poor food habits, low literacy, subsistence-level economies and inadequate health facilities to ensure wellbeing...

By Sudharak Olwe 13/05/2020