
Busting Some Myths During Protein Week

A recent survey reveals that about 70% of Indian women wrongly believe proteins are hard to digest and lead to weight gain.

By Dr Suresh Itapu 27/07/2020

Protein Week, And Why It Matters

Barely 3% of people understand the need to consume adequate protein, says a survey

By Outlook Planet Desk 27/07/2020

Re-imagining A Malnutrition-free India

For a country where almost 36% children are underweight, 50% women are anemic already, a rapid call to action and re-shaping system is a big fish to fry. How do we do it?

By Prapti Adhikari Dr Archana Kharyal 24/07/2020

Are Samosas Chasing You?

'Samosas and other snacks will always follow you. The only way to stop indulging in them is to understand how foods cooked in polyunsaturated vegetable oils --sometimes with dangerous trans fats-- can have deadly consequences on your health..'

By Satyendra Garg 02/12/2020

Matter Of Fat: The Good The Bad And The Ugly

Dr Shweta Khandelwal explains the dangers of trans fats, and why nutrition is interlinked with so many other variables like fiscal and other policies and the empowerment of civil society.

By Ramananda Sengupta 21/07/2020

Why Food Labels Need To Be Upfront, Useful And Understandable

Legible front of the pack labeling with symbols warning consumers about possibly dangerous ingredients is critical to check the rising rate of non-communicable diseases.

By Dr. SubbaRao M Gavaravarapu 24/09/2021

A Platform For Nutrition

A unique interactive digital platform brings everyone working on nutrition under one digital roof, and helps them connect, communicate and work with each other.

By Noveena Swapnabh 18/07/2020

These Mamata Gharas Prevent Child Malnutrition

Over 1, 800 tribal children in high-malnutrition pockets of Keonjhar district find succour in creches which feed and protect them while their parents work.

By Akshay Ravi 15/07/2020

Can An Infant's First Stool Predict It's Obesity Risk?

A recent study says the bacteria found in a newborn's first stool can help predict it's chances of developing obesity later in life

By IANS 12/07/2020

It Takes A Village: How Tribal Hamlet Now Knows Its Nutrition Rights

Angul district in Odisha was a victim of severe undernutrition, until an NGO involved the tribal community to ensure that they knew, and demanded their rights to proper nutrition.

By Neha Sethi 11/07/2020