
How Clear Front of Pack Labelling Can Make Us Eat And Live Better

They say a stitch in time saves nine. It’s time to apply that principle to bring about and execute effective FOPL norms in our country

By Ashim Sanyal 09/04/2021

Some pandemic-induced nutrition habits we need to retain

The lessons that COVID-19 taught us about the importance of a healthy diet, exercise and immunity should not be forgotten

By Dr Amit Khandeparkar 06/04/2021

How To Revert A Grade 2 Fatty Liver To A Normal And Healthy One

Fatty liver cases have been increasing exponentially with the ever increasing traits of lifestyle disorder. Switching to a healthier diet and curtailing the hazardous components can bring in visible improvement. Here’s how.

By Satyendra Garg 23/03/2021

How To Revert A Grade 2 Fatty Liver To A Normal And Healthy One

Fatty liver cases have been increasing exponentially with the ever increasing traits oflifestyle disorder. Switching to a healthier diet and curtailing the hazardouscomponents can bring in visible improvement. Here’s how.

By Satyendra Garg 23/03/2021

Three Simple Immunity Boosting Ingredients To Add To Your Diet

Here’s three items that you must have in your kitchen to ensure that your immune system is in top form

By Sheryl Salis 28/02/2021

World Protein Day: Indians Get Only 70 Per Cent Of Their Daily Need

Here's some protein-rich food options to ensure that you get enough of this building block of life

By R Pitchiah 27/02/2021

Food Industry Urged To Help All Indians Eat Healthy

Access To Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) analyses industry efforts to provide better nutrition in India before and since the pandemic

By Outlook Planet Desk 26/02/2021

Parents: Here’s How To Fight Childhood Obesity 

Making easy changes in the everyday routine of children can keep the surging adverse effects of childhood obesity at bay 

By Ritika Samaddar 20/02/2021

Beat Diarrhoea With Nutrition And Hygiene

Diarrhoea, which often leads to malnutrition, can be controlled with proper diet and nutrition, while promoting hygienic habits can lower the morbidity rate

By Jheelum Basu 09/02/2021

How Nutrition Can Help Prevent Respiratory Diseases

Lung disease is rapidly increasing across the globe. Here’s how proper nutrition can help check it

By Jheelum Basu 05/02/2021