
Towards Sustainable Sanitation

By Bobby Joseph January 30, 2024

Sustainability Trends 2024: The narrative of sustainability in sanitaryware extends beyond conservation; it’s about continuously improving and reflecting on the impact of these innovations

Towards Sustainable Sanitation
Recognising the need for sustainability, new-age sanitary brands are embracing the challenge of conscious resource usage with inventive solutions.

In an era where environmental concerns dominate public discourse, the role of sustainability has expanded beyond niche industries into everyday essentials. One example is the sanitaryware sector, where innovation is redefining conventional practices. Beyond the goal of environmental conservation, these innovative steps promise a streamlined experience for consumers.

The United Nations estimates that only 3 percent of the earth's water is suitable for human consumption. In response to this pressing issue, visionary sanitary brands are revolutionising their design and functionality. Age-old practices, such as allowing tap water to pour down the drain while brushing teeth, are now unacceptable.

Recognising the need for sustainability, new-age sanitary brands are embracing the challenge of conscious resource usage with inventive solutions. About two-thirds of water consumption in private households is from bathrooms with a WC or urinal. To mitigate this, contemporary brands have introduced dual flush technology, which reduces water usage by up to 50 percent for each flush.

One notable trend is the integration of smart water-saving technologies into everyday bathroom fixtures. Many shower heads now come equipped with flow limiters and smaller nozzles, reducing water consumption by almost 50 percent. In the quest for water efficiency, recycling showers are game-changers.

The circulating process cleans, reheats, and reuses water, requiring only one-fourth of the water and 1/3rd of the energy typically consumed by traditional showers. This addresses the issue of water scarcity and aligns with broader sustainability goals.

The narrative of sustainability in sanitaryware extends beyond conservation; it’s about continuously improving and reflecting on the impact of these innovations. Humanity's demand for ecological resources has surpassed the earth's regenerative capacity, leading to climate, water, and energy crises. In response, brands are taking concrete action, utilising existing solutions, and working towards better ones.

For instance, water heating is the second-largest source of energy use in homes. Faucets that provide only cold water when the lever is in the middle encourage responsible water use. Thermostats maintain consistent water temperatures, eliminating temperature peaks and preventing scalding. By addressing these nuances, brands contribute to water conservation and energy efficiency. In public spaces, electronic control of faucets ensures water flows only when needed.

These smart mixers automatically turn off after a set period or when the user removes their hands. This blend of technology and design showcases the industry's commitment to resource efficiency without compromising on user experience.

Temperature regulation, once a manual task, has also evolved. Modern taps feature a temperature gauge that allows users to set the desired water temperature. This precise thermostat technology compensates for fluctuations in water supply, eliminating the need for manual readjustments and preventing water waste. Buttons on taps allow users to conveniently reduce water flow, contributing to resource conservation. Such innovations address environmental concerns effectively. 

The focus on eco-friendliness extends into the kitchen too, where brands are blending sustainability and convenience. Imagine hot water straight from the tap, eliminating the need for energy-intensive kettle boiling.

The luxury of choice is expanded with faucets offering options between cool, still table water and refreshing sparkling water without the environmental impact of single-use plastic bottles. By minimising the environmental footprint in the kitchen, brands are facilitating a more sustainable lifestyle while ensuring convenience.

Brands are also actively engaging with customers to conserve water. Water and energy calculators accompany products, allowing consumers to visualise the impact of their choices. Single-lever mixers, present across various style and price segments, automatically reduce water consumption by up to 50 percent compared to standard rates, providing a perfect flow with enhanced efficiency.

Beyond the functionalities of the products, many brands are setting ambitious targets to switch to plastic-free packaging. Although this transition poses challenges due to limited options and the existing recycling infrastructure, the commitment to plastic-reduced packaging is indicative of a broader dedication to sustainability.

Innovative alternatives to traditional packaging materials, including moulded pulp inserts replacing expanding polystyrene or wrapping film solutions, highlight the industry's commitment to finding sustainable solutions throughout the product life cycle. By eliminating unnecessary plastic packaging, brands reduce their environmental impact and encourage consumers to make more informed and sustainable choices.

Sustainable is no longer a buzzword; it has become a way of life. Smart solutions enable users to make eco-conscious choices effortlessly. The industry's commitment to sustainability is imposing strict behavioural adjustments and empowering consumers to take the sustainable route.

By providing tangible benefits such as energy and affordability through water and energy calculators, brands are encouraging users to see the immediate impact of their choices. Single-lever mixers, thermostats, and dual flush systems are practical tools that allow consumers to implement sustainable practices without sacrificing convenience.

The sustainability trend in sanitaryware today represents a collective commitment towards securing our precious natural resources and contributing towards a greener planet. The industry's focus on innovation and user empowerment is transforming the approach to daily life. As the challenges of climate change and resource depletion persist, the sanitaryware sector will showcase how sustainability can be seamlessly integrated into our lives.

(Bobby Joseph, Leader, LWT India & Subcon)
