
India's Sanitation Revolution

By Outlook Planet Desk November 19, 2023

World Toilet Day 2023: This special edition of Outlook celebrates the spirit of countless sanitation workers who have scripted this incredible story of social transformation, lifting millions of people out of dirt, disease and poverty

India's Sanitation Revolution
Swachh Bharat has been instrumental in breaking the cycle of poor health and poverty, showing that investing in sanitation facilities is an investment in the future. Shutterstock

India's remarkable sanitation journey is a saga of change that transcends building toilets and represents a cultural revolution, no less. This special edition of Outlook salutes the countless men and women, known and unknown, who have worked heroically to script this incredible story of social transformation, lifting millions of people out of dirt, disease, and poverty. 

The saga is full of inspirational stories, like that of Kukuram, a humble safai karamchari who recently won gold at the International Body Building Championship, defying impossible odds. Kukuram's indomitable spirit serves as a powerful testament to resilience and determination. Befittingly, his triumphant journey adorns the cover of this special edition dedicated to "Sanitation for All."

Over the last nine years, under Swachh Bharat, India has constructed 11 crore toilets and established 2.23 lakh Community Sanitary Complexes. However, as we traverse through this extraordinary odyssey, it becomes evident that the impact of Swachh Bharat extends far beyond the visible symbols of toilets. The movement has helped transform mindsets and restored dignity to millions of sanitation workers.

Swachh Bharat has been instrumental in breaking the cycle of poor health and poverty, showing that investing in sanitation facilities is an investment in the future. The impact extends to women's empowerment, economic productivity, and even the tourism industry. With improved sanitation facilities, women have gained access to safer and more dignified spaces, paving the way for their participation in all aspects of life. 

However, the road to sanitation reform is multidimensional, requiring not only infrastructure development but also behaviour change and the protection of workers' rights.

This is where initiatives like the Harpic World Toilet College (HWTC) have played a pivotal role. A driving force behind Swachh Bharat, it has transformed the lives of sanitation workers by enabling them to pursue alternative livelihood options, breaking the cycle of manual scavenging, and offering training that ensures their safety and dignity. 

In this special edition, we delve deeper into the profound impact of India's sanitation revolution. We explore the stories of those whose lives have been transformed, the innovations that have driven change, and the dismantling of age-old taboos and stigmas that have haunted sanitation workers for centuries. 

As we celebrate India's progress, we are reminded that access to proper sanitation facilities is a basic human right. Together, we must continue to strive for "Sanitation for All" and recognise that the true measure of this revolution lies in the lives it has touched and the culture it has transformed. Kukuram's triumphant journey is a poignant reminder that transformation and success are attainable even in the face of adversity.

Read the complete edition
