
ESCAP And BharatRohan Explore Drone-Enabled Support For Sustainable Agriculture

By Outlook Planet Desk November 22, 2023

BharatRohan's partnership with ESCAP navigates uncharted agricultural territories, aspiring to empower farmers and promote sustainability

ESCAP And BharatRohan Explore Drone-Enabled Support For Sustainable Agriculture
BharatRohan's mission is to empower smallholder farmers, enhance export opportunities, and promote sustainable agricultural practises with methods that have the potential to reshape the farming paradigm. Shutterstock

BharatRohan, a prominent provider of drone services in agriculture, has entered into a partnership with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

This collaboration aims to explore innovative approaches to agricultural practises in Telangana and Haryana, focusing on sustainable crop cultivation. The initiative is part of the 'Regional Inclusive Business Models in Agriculture and Food Systems,' funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

BharatRohan's mission is to empower smallholder farmers, enhance export opportunities, and promote sustainable agricultural practises with methods that have the potential to reshape the farming paradigm. With ESCAP's support, BharatRohan intends to integrate inclusive business practises and expand its presence in Telangana and Haryana.

The adoption of an inclusive business model by BharatRohan underscores its commitment to fostering sustainable and equitable growth in agriculture. This model aims to transcend mere profit pursuit, prioritising value creation for all stakeholders, particularly grassroots ones. By focusing on small farmers, BharatRohan aims to address their challenges in accessing resources and markets, ensuring their active participation and autonomy in the agricultural value chain.

A significant aspect of this collaboration is the active involvement of women farmers in value chain activities, promoting gender-inclusive agricultural practises.

BharatRohan's commitment to inclusivity is further underscored by its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Endeva and Ecociate, receiving coaching services as part of the ESCAP-supported inclusive business programme.

Amandeep Panwar, CEO of BharatRohan, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stressing the mission to empower smallholder farmers and promote sustainable agriculture. Leveraging advanced hyperspectral technology, BharatRohan aims to provide precise insights to farmers, reducing costs and ensuring top-quality, residue-free yields. 

ESCAP's support includes inclusive business coaching services, which are expected to identify critical resources and expert connections to implement the comprehensive strategic plan successfully. BharatRohan, with ESCAP's backing, aims to address regulatory challenges, enter international markets, and provide essential training services to farmers.

This initiative's core is BharatRohan's advanced hyperspectral imaging technology, which can distinguish up to 150 unique wavelengths. This precision tool is expected to offer personalised advice to farmers, guiding them to adopt advanced agricultural practises.

Telangana and Haryana were strategically chosen for their inherent strength in agriculture, focusing on crops like turmeric, cotton, and chilli, aligning with the partnership's goals.

In essence, BharatRohan, through its collaboration with ESCAP, aims to explore and assess the potential for inclusive business in agriculture in India.
