
Breakthrough Technology To Make Green Hydrogen Affordable  

By Outlook Planet Desk December 16, 2023

Unveiling a breakthrough, scientists in Italy pioneer affordable green hydrogen, marking a significant leap towards sustainable energy solutions and a cleaner future 

Breakthrough Technology To Make Green Hydrogen Affordable  
The pivotal factor influencing the cost of "green" hydrogen lies in the efficiency of the electrolyser, responsible for splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Shutterstock

In a ground-breaking collaboration, researchers from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) and BeDimensional S.p.A. claim to have unveiled a breakthrough technology capable of producing green hydrogen at a significantly lower cost.

This cutting-edge approach employs a novel family of electrocatalysts, harnessing small ruthenium particles alongside a solar-powered water electrolysis system. The new findings have been published in Nature Communications and the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

While hydrogen stands out as a sustainable energy source, its conventional production often involves fossil fuel-based processes that release carbon dioxide (CO2) as a detrimental by-product. Current methods, such as methane steam reforming, contribute to atmospheric CO2 levels, necessitating more sustainable pathways for achieving "green" hydrogen with net-zero emissions by 2050.

The pivotal factor influencing the cost of "green" hydrogen lies in the efficiency of the electrolyser, responsible for splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The research team has introduced an innovative method that maximises electrolyser efficiency despite the initial investment slightly exceeding that of conventional electrolysers. By incorporating ruthenium nanoparticles into the cathode, the overall electrolyser's efficiency has seen a notable boost.

Ruthenium, a precious metal akin to platinum but considerably more cost-effective, has significantly enhanced the efficiency of alkaline electrolysers, which are known for their robustness and durability over the years. The new family of ruthenium-based cathodes not only exhibits exceptional efficiency but also boasts an extended operational lifespan, contributing to substantial reductions in green hydrogen production costs.

A comprehensive techno-economic analysis conducted by the researchers underscores the competitiveness of this breakthrough technology compared to existing state-of-the-art electrolysers. Notably, this innovative approach utilises a mere 40 mg of ruthenium per kilowatt, a stark contrast to the extensive use of platinum (up to 1 gram per kilowatt) and iridium (between 1 and 2.5 grams per kilowatt) found in proton-exchange membrane electrolysers.

Looking ahead, the researchers envision the application of this technology in scaled-up electrolysers powered by renewable energy sources, including electricity generated by photovoltaic panels. This marks a significant stride towards a cleaner and more sustainable future for hydrogen production. 
