
Outlook Planet Desk

UN Chief Calls For Urgent Action To Combat Desertification And Drought

On the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, the UN chief emphasised the urgent need for global collaboration to protect the planet's future

June 17, 2024

Innovative Financing Solutions Must For Wind Energy Adoption

Marking Global Wind Day, the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy hosted a panel discussion highlighting IREDA's innovative financing solutions for wind energy adoption in India

June 17, 2024

Global Offshore Wind Industry Set To Achieve Its 2030 Target Of 380GW

Aided by favorable policy initiatives, government-industry collaboration and expanding new markets, the offshore wind industry is set to grow rapidly over the next decade, achieving its 2030 target of 380GW

June 17, 2024

Oil India Launches ESG Initiatives To Reach Net Zero Target By 2040

The PSU is leading the way in sustainable development with the launch of its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy initiatives, aiming for Net Zero emissions by 2040

June 17, 2024

Rich Nations Refuse To Commit On Climate Finance, Stalling Progress In Bonn

These (rich) countries have not only avoided their historical responsibilities, but have also consistently used delaying tactics, shifting burdens onto the shoulders of developing countries: Harjeet Singh, climate activist and Global Engagement Director for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative

June 15, 2024

Assam Sets Sights On Green Future With 25 MW Solar Plant

The project, a joint venture between Assam Power Generation Corporation and Oil India Limited, is expected to be completed by July 2025

June 15, 2024

India at 176/180 On Environment Index Calls For Urgent Action

India's environmental performance ranks fifth-lowest in the latest Environmental Performance Index, signalling an urgent need for comprehensive conservation efforts

June 14, 2024

India Hits 15 Percent Ethanol Blending Mark, Eyes 20 Percent By 2025

India's energy sector has revved past its 15 percent ethanol blending target, even as green hydrogen projects and rising domestic oil production signal a shift towards cleaner, more secure energy

June 14, 2024

World Drifting Alarmingly Away From SDG-7: IEA

A new IEA report carries a stark warning: If the world continues at its current pace, it will fall woefully short of its SDG-7, leaving millions of people without access to energy and clean cooking fuels

June 14, 2024

India Kicks Off Landmark Green Ammonia Initiative

The Government has announced plans to produce half a million tonnes of green hydrogen-based ammonia annually to promote renewable energy sources

June 14, 2024