
Oil India Launches ESG Initiatives To Reach Net Zero Target By 2040

By Outlook Planet Desk June 17, 2024

The PSU is leading the way in sustainable development with the launch of its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy initiatives, aiming for Net Zero emissions by 2040

Oil India Launches ESG Initiatives To Reach Net Zero Target By 2040

Oil India is taking a significant stride towards sustainable development with the launch of its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy initiatives. 

This momentous occasion, in collaboration with global management consulting firms, was celebrated on June 14 in Noida. These ESG strategy initiatives are a crucial part of our audacious target to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2040. This initiative, which not only focuses on emissions reduction but also upholds principles related to a Just Energy Transition, is a testament to our steadfast commitment to sustainable development. 

The comprehensive ESG strategy initiatives, a testament to our commitment, will comprehensively address various environmental, social, and governance aspects. These include emissions reduction, renewable energy initiatives, biodiversity conservation, human rights, employee diversity, and inclusiveness. Through this initiative, Oil India is not just setting a benchmark in the industry for responsible and forward-thinking energy practices. We are also aligning with national and global sustainability goals and pursuing our ambition to be a leader in the sector.
