
Naina Gautam

Cooling As A Right

With the rise in demand of air-conditioners due to heat stress, sustainable air conditioning is the way forward to bring relief to people as well as manage emissions

April 13, 2024

World Health Day 2024: Climate Change Slows Down Sex Drive

While pleasure remains the most important aspect of sexual activity, experts are worried that the impact of climate change on sexual wellness, and thus fertility, can disturb demographic patterns among communities

April 07, 2024

Rising Consumer Demand Strengthens Foundation Of Green Building Industry

A recent survey report Build Ahead by Xynteo, a strategic advisory firm, has found that residential buyers are ready to pay 5-10 per cent more for green buildings and corporate are willing to pay 15 per cent plus premium for green buildings

April 04, 2024

Global finance systems need to be reimagined to support climate action

Since the Achilles heel is lack of adequate funding from the developed countries, there is a need to review the global finance and trade structures in the global south so that alternate green business avenues can be explored to enhance the transition.

April 02, 2024

Climate Tech Investments Spread Unevenly Across Emission Intensive Sectors

For impactful climate tech investment, investors need to align their investment strategically to emission guzzling sectors

April 01, 2024

Energising Job Creation for Women

Climate change has adverse impacts, but it also offers a window of opportunity for creating green jobs

March 29, 2024

Towards Climate Resilient Elections

Initiatives such as early voting options, improved infrastructure resilience, and public awareness campaigns are crucial to mitigate the effects of extreme weather on voter turnout and ensure democratic participation

March 28, 2024

Temperature Set To Soar

Since 1970s the temperature has increased, and now there is more likelihood of higher temperature and higher incidence of heatwaves

March 26, 2024

The Low-Emission Mission

Earth Hour 2024: This year eco-conscious Indians are urged to give 60 minutes to the earth under heads like fitness and wellness, nature, food, sustainability, arts and creativity and entertainment

March 23, 2024

Water Crisis Can Lead To Widespread Social Conflicts

World Water Day: While population growth and reckless urbanisation hurtle India towards a water crisis, experts highlight the importance of water security in preventing conflict and promoting cooperation

March 22, 2024