
World Water Day: 26 Per Cent Of World Lacks Clean Drinking Water, 46 Per Cent Sanitation

In order to reach UN goals to guarantee that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation by 2030, a glaring gap still has to be bridged, according to the UN Global Water Development Report 2023

By AP 22/03/2023

World Will Fail On Climate If It Fails On Water: Experts

The unprecedented floods, droughts, and other extreme water events of the last year are not freak episodes but evidence of a systemic crisis that results from decades-long human mismanagement of water

By Outlook Planet Desk 19/03/2023

Bottled Water Can Slow Progress To Achieve SDGs: UN

The report argues that while progress toward universal access to safe drinking water for all is significantly off-track, the expansion of bottled water markets slows this progress down, distracting attention and resources from accelerated public water supply...

By Outlook Planet Desk 19/03/2023

Improving Sanitation To Reduce Stunting

Social and behaviour change communication can help broaden and deepen Swachh Bharat Mission to end open defecation, which impacts health and also causes stunting in children

By Dr. Deepak Gupta 11/07/2022

Improving Sanitation Indicators Can Lead To Better Nutrition Outcomes

Cross sectoral collaboration by establishing common platforms for knowledge sharing, including nutritional targets in water, sanitation and hygiene goals and vice versa, can help ensure sustainable solutions.

By Natasha Patel 06/05/2022

Nutrition And WASH Go Hand In Hand

Safe water, sustainable sanitation and good hygiene practices are the keys to the scaling-up nutrition among the vulnerable population groups in India

By Neeraj Jain 26/04/2022

Instagram Influencers become force multipliers for “Reach Each Child” Campaign

Here’s our tribute to four Instagram stars who helped promote the cause

By Outlook Planet Desk 15/04/2021

Did You WASH Your Hands Today?

Handwashing with soap can prevent thousands of children under 5 from dying needlessly. Here’s how you can help

By Ramananda Sengupta 30/03/2021

How Hygiene, Sanitation And Potable Water Impact Nutrition

Nutrition is not just about a proper diet. Here’s how lack of proper hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water can undermine any nutrition program.

By Jheelum Basu 12/03/2021