
Key Emitters Absent; Attendees Demand Fossil Fuel Phase Out At UN Summit

Ahead of the summit, Antonio Guterres had unveiled his Acceleration Agenda, saying only 'movers' and 'doers' would be allowed to attend

By PTI 21/09/2023

Climate Experts From Global South Condemn Developed Countries' 'Hypocrisy' On Fossil Fuel

The US, Canada, Australia, Norway and the UK -account for 51 per cent of the planned expansion from new oil and gas fields through 2050, as per a new report

By PTI 21/09/2023

Early Warning Is First Defence In Kerala Climate Disasters

Since Cyclone Ockhi in 2017, the Kerala government and the India Meteorological Department (IMD) have improved their infrastructure for cyclone alerts.

By PTI 21/04/2023