
Tata Projects To Collaborate With Micron For Advanced Semiconductor Facility In Sanand

The Sanand factory is to be designed in accordance with LEED Gold Standards of the Green Building Council and will also integrate advanced water-saving technologies

By PTI 25/09/2023

First Ever Census Of Water Bodies Highlights Rural And Urban Disparities 

Water is an important aspect for development, which it is linked with every Sustainable Development Goal   

By Outlook Planet Desk 24/04/2023

Earth Day 2023: ESG As A Global Business Opportunity

At a time when India is looking to reap rich dividends from the world’s growing divestment from China, indigenous companies will have to fully adhere to the ESG regulations globally

By N Chandran 22/04/2023

World Water Day: It’s Time For Women to Manage, Not Just Collect & Use, Water!

There are enormous opportunity costs to fetching water – deprived from being able to earn an income, care for their children, or for younger girl's, get a proper education.  And it is the entire family, and wider community, that suffers as a result

By Pearl Tiwari 22/03/2023

Bottled Water Can Slow Progress To Achieve SDGs: UN

The report argues that while progress toward universal access to safe drinking water for all is significantly off-track, the expansion of bottled water markets slows this progress down, distracting attention and resources from accelerated public water supply...

By Outlook Planet Desk 19/03/2023

It Takes A Village: How Two States Dealt With A Severe Water Crisis

Gujarat and Maharashtra launched several water management schemes to deal with drought and devastation. Some worked. Some didn't.

By Abhirupa Kundu 22/03/2021

World Water Day: Do you know the real value of water?

Access to clean and safe usable water is a fundamental human right. Yet billions are denied access to it. Let's find out why.

By Jheelum Basu 21/03/2021