
Race To Realise Guru Nanak’s Dream of A Malnourishment-Free India

An inspiring story of an ultra-marathoner who undertook a cross-country run to raise funds and promote awareness for a hunger-free India.

By Charupadma Pati 01/02/2021

What Of The Teenage Mother?

A new study for the first time provides evidence of the dangerous link between adolescence pregnancy and undernutrition. A grave and urgent issue in the fight against malnutrition for India

By Girinandini Singh 16/09/2019

Why Chalk Is The Ultimate Nutrient

Getting girls into and keeping them in school, gives them a voice within the family and the community, and the power to influence decisions on motherhood and nutrition.

By Manjula Singh 29/08/2019

Reshma Shankar Dhote, A Nutrition Warrior

Here’s the story of a woman who transformed the nutrition profile of her village Bihali in Maharashtra

By Charupadma Pati 14/05/2020

Akshay Kumar Asks #WhyTheGap On Instagram. And So Do We

Actor Akshay Kumar has taken to social media to throw light on the state of the hungry, malnourished children of India, struggling to get one square meal a day.

By Charupadma Pati 21/08/2019

Rate Of Malnutrition Is Dropping In China. Can India Learn Lessons From Its Neighbour?

Malnutrition is dropping spectacularly in China. A lesson for India? In the last of the three-part series from the just-published “State of Food Security And Nutrition In The World,” we take a quick look at the two South Asian giants.

By Outlook Planet Desk 24/07/2019

The Politics Of Food

Getting the sarpanch to rally for the nutrition needs of a village may be the perfect way to push for reforms, but it’s not easy. A report from the ground and some takeaways.

By Outlook Planet Desk 29/06/2019