
Our food Systems Are Broken. We Are In Need Of Urgent Change

Countries across the world are suffering from a severe lack of access to food. Our food systems are broken. WHO says this will only worsen as a result of the pandemic at hand

By Lasse Bruun 16/02/2021

How Family Planning Empowers Women, And Helps Fight Malnutrition  

Apart from checking teenage pregnancies and deaths, family planning also lowers death rate for children, wasting and stunting.

By Dr. Amir Maroof Khan 15/02/2021

Let’s Revisit Our Food Safety And Distribution Methods 

From consumer awareness to farming practices, it’s time to revise the entire farm to fork process. Here’s how. 

By Thirukumaran Nagarajan 13/02/2021

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Chocolate +2 Recipes

Limited consumption of dark chocolate has multiple health benefits including a reduced risk of heart diseases and lowering of high blood pressure

By Bipasha Das 13/02/2021

First 1000 Days Of Life A ‘Window Of Opportunity’  

A focused, targeted approach needed to reach pregnant women and infants, who are at ‘high risk’ of undernutrition.

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/02/2021

7 Women, 6 Days And A Bike Rally To Promote Hygiene And Health

The ‘Love For Kids Bike Rally’ from Gurugram to Amravati has been organized by Reckitt Benckiser in association with Plan International (India Chapter)  

By Outlook Planet Desk 11/02/2021

House Panel Wants Robust Mechanisms For Safe Food 

The Public Accounts Committee report said adequate protection has not been ensured to the people against adulterated and unsafe food  

By Prakash Kumar 11/02/2021

Beat Diarrhoea With Nutrition And Hygiene

Diarrhoea, which often leads to malnutrition, can be controlled with proper diet and nutrition, while promoting hygienic habits can lower the morbidity rate

By Jheelum Basu 09/02/2021

Poshan 2.0: Identify And Hospitalize Severely Malnourished Children, Center Tells States

The Ministry for Women and Child Development also asks states to set up Poshan Vatikas and promote Yoga 

By Prakash Kumar 19/02/2021

Flower Power: A Colourful Way To Stay Healthy

Apart from adding a dash of color and zing to your plate and palate, flowers have multiple health benefits

By Aishwarya Bahuguna 08/02/2021