
World Food Day: Here's What The Akshaya Patra Foundation Aims For

Here comes an interview with Mr Sundeep Talwar, CMO, The Akshaya Patra Foundation.

By Subhadra Menon 02/12/2022

Low Carb Diet: A Possible Way To Manage Your Diabetes

Most often, carbohydrates (sugar, starches and fibres) are among the foods that we start avoiding in case of diagnosis of diabetes. We start considering all carbs as an enemy, but this is definitely not the case.

By Geetika Patni 08/10/2021

Are You Working Out? Watch Your Nutrition Well

To level up your workout sessions without pain, injuries and muscle loss, you should fuel it right. Feeding the right nutrients to your body at the right time and in the right form, not just enhances your performance but also improves your stamina.

By Neha Kapoor 29/09/2021

Protein Quality And Quantity – Key Factors To Achieve Good Health And Combat Malnutrition

We must drive awareness about proteins, with emphasis on both aspects, quantity as well as the quality of protein in the Indian context to help combat undernutrition, improve the immune system, and reduce the burden on non-communicable diseases.

By Vanisha Nambiar 29/09/2021

Tackling Anaemia Through Fortified Rice: A Pilot Programme Shows Promise In Gadchiroli, Maharashtra

There are many reasons why anaemia develops in individuals, but iron deficiency is the most common cause. The National Family Health Survey- 4, 2015-2016 (NFHS-4), which presents state-wise data on nutrition indicators, showed that anaemia was widely...

By Mahendrakumar Avhad 22/09/2021

Malnutrition Among Children And Pregnant Women: Elected Women Representatives To The Rescue

Seventh September 2021 marked the initiation of the Poshan Maah – a month of outreach and awareness activities under the Government of India’s flagship POSHAN Abhiyaan to improve nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers.

By Madhu Joshi 19/09/2021

Nurtured And Nourished Minds Are More Productive, Start Early And Sustain Through Lifecourse

Science shows that malnutrition in early life, often manifested in form of stunting, is associated with adverse consequences in later life for morbidity and mortality, non-communicable diseases, learning capacity and productivity.

By Dr Shweta Khandelwal 18/09/2021

ACT4FOOD: Getting Young People Together To Improve Global Food Systems

There is one agenda that cuts across various SDG’s and that’s of our Food Systems. Not only does it encapsulate ‘Zero Hunger’ and ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’ but our food systems impact almost every development goal.

By Priya Prakash 17/09/2021

PRIs: Enabling Agents For The Last Mile Nutrition Delivery

With 28 years of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and nearly 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats across the country, PRIs continue to be the drivers of development initiatives at the grassroots.

By Riya Gupta 06/04/2022

Keeping Infants Healthy: The Power Of Well-Planned Complementary Feeding

Complementary feeding (often called weaning) is the introduction of solid foods into the diet of a baby who is only consuming breast milk or formula milk.

By Bipasha Das 08/09/2021