
Cold Fact: 2023 Was The Warmest Year Ever

The planet is likely to breach the Paris Agreement target of containing the rise in global temperatures to below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels over the next 12 months

By Outlook Planet Desk 11/01/2024

Kerry in Brussels for climate change talks with EU officials

US special envoy for climate John Kerry traveled to Brussels on Tuesday to discuss transatlantic cooperation with European officials in the wake of President Joe Biden's decision to rejoin the global effort to curb climate change.

By Outlook Planet Desk 11/03/2021

US rejoins Paris climate pact, WHO under Biden

Getting to work soon after the inauguration festivities, President Joe Biden has signed orders for the US to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and the World Health Organization (WHO) in the first set of actions to undo the policies of his predecessor Donald

By Outlook Planet Desk 21/01/2021