
Is A Woman An Individual Or Just The Bearer Of A Child?

A CINI Case Study Reveals Nutritional Siege That Stretches Across A Woman’s Lifecycle

By Dr Samir Narayan Chaudhuri 08/01/2020

Elderly People and Women In India Have Yen For More Sugar Than Men

A new survey on intake of added sugar by age groups has revealed that in general, adults and elderly people were consuming slightly higher sugar than the younger ones. On gender yard-stick womenwere found to be consuming more added sugar, while among metros...

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/01/2020

5 Tips On How To Make A Wish For Good Health And Nutrition

At a time almost every food on our platter is suspect, why do we not make good nutrition a part of our new year resolution? Some pointers that will help you firm up some targets for optimum health.

By Outlook Planet Desk 13/05/2020

Ring Out The Old And Ring In The New

Here’s Why You Need To Know All The Cool Words And Ideas On Food, Nutrition And Health That Will Be Big In 2020

By Damayanti Datta 31/12/2019

Beware The Broken Plate

Why Global Experts Are Calling For A Food System Transformation, To Combat The Double Threat Of Undernutrition And Obesity

By Outlook Planet Desk 22/12/2019

'Nutrition Is Everybody’s Business And Nobody’s Responsibility'

How Lawrence Haddad, Food Fighter Par Excellence, Jolted The World With His Tough Math And Stark Logic. Introducing "Conversation With Stars," A Monthly Podcast Series Conducted By Basanta Kumar Kar, India’s Very Own Homespun Nutrition Man.

By Damayanti Datta 17/12/2019

Why Husbands Matter

Too many women die in childbirth even now. A husband engaged in his wife’s nutrition is emerging as the single most effective intervention--for a strong and healthy baby, for her and ultimately for him

By Akanksha Srivastava 03/07/2020

Superfood For All Babies: Unlocking The Potential Of Human Milk Banking

Babies often miss out on mothers’ milk. Human milk banks under an integrated approach within hospitals are not only providing such babies with a healthy start but also helping lactating mothers to breastfeed, express milk, provide milk banking services.

By Ruchika Chugh Sachdeva 15/05/2020

Healthy Planet, Healthy Plants, Healthy Lives

Why we all need to support the UN and celebrate 2020 as the International Year Of Plant Health

By Arabinda K Padhee 13/12/2019