
A Diet To Prevent, Cure Fatty Liver

Almost a third of our population suffers from fatty liver ailments. Here's some diet tips to minimise the risk.

By Bipasha Das 22/01/2021

How Food Determines Your Mood

Here are some diet tips to help boost your mood and keep you cheerful all day long

By Dr. JPS Bakshi 21/01/2021

How Nutrition And Sustainable Development Are Linked

Watch experts discuss link between nutrition and sustainable development

By Outlook Planet Desk 18/01/2021

Family Health Survey Reveals Rising Prevalence Of NCDs In India

The recent report of NFHS indicates a high prevalence of overweight/obesity, hypertension and elevated random blood glucose levels in Indian men and women

By Dr. Kanika Agarwal 17/01/2021

How To Improve Food Security And Nutritional Outcomes

Food security and nutrition in India have worsened since the last NFHS round with 18 states showing worsened stunting levels among children under five.

By Mr. Vijay Avinandan 15/01/2021

Food Has Touched Me In Different Ways: Celebrity Chef Ranveer Brar

In an exclusive interaction with Outlook’s Eshita Bhargava, Chef Ranveer Brar talks about his journey, secret ingredients, the importance of sustainable food, vegan diet, his YouTube channel and much more.

By Eshita Bhargava 13/01/2021

Here’s How To Practice Mindful Eating Habits

Here are some tips to control unhealthy eating habits developed during the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns.

By Bipasha Das 12/01/2021

Property Rights Linked To Better Health Of Young Girls

A new study shows that teenage girls who lived in pucca houses were on an average taller and with higher BMI as compared to those living in semi-kutcha houses

By Kaveri Haritas 11/01/2021

Watch: How The Pandemic Has Impacted Nutrition In India

Eminent experts discuss how the Covid-19 pandemic has led to a spike in malnutrition in India

By Outlook Planet Desk 09/01/2021

How To Eat Right To Ease Side Effects In Cancer Patients

This extract from 'Food Matters: The Role Your Diet Plays in the Fight Against Cancer,' written by Dr Shubham Pant examines how to deal with constipation, a frequent side effect of cancer.

By Dr Shubham Pant 11/01/2021