
‘Eliminating TFA Boils Down To Awareness.’

Cardiovascular surgeon Dr Naresh Trehan explains how Trans Fats cause heart disease, and why raising awareness about this is critical

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/10/2020

Healthy Snack/Lunch Recipes For Adolescents: Part2

Here are some freshly prepared recipes for underweight and obese adolescents.

By Outlook Planet Desk 08/10/2020

Healthy Snack/Lunch Recipes For Adolescents: Part1

Adolescents need a proper diet containing both body building and protective foods as they are important for growth spurt, maturation and bone development. Here are some freshly prepared recipes:

By Outlook Planet Desk 08/10/2020

The Healthier Alternatives To Wheat Chapatis

Here are some alternatives to replace chapatti without losing any nutritional value.

By Bipasha Das 02/10/2020

For The Best Nutrition, Go Local

Locally available produce is not only fresher and cheaper, they are usually far more nutritious.

By Dr Satish Tiwari 29/09/2020

What Does India Weigh On The Malnutrition Scale?

Poshan Abhiyaan targets to reduce stunting, anaemia, underweight and low birth weight in children. The potential challenge is how to bring social and behavioural change towards malnutrition at community level amidst the pandemic

By Dr. Sunil Rajpal 19/09/2020

Want To Avoid Trans Fats In Your Food? Here's How

Read the nutrition facts /food labels carefully: avoid those that have ‘hydrogenated oils’, ‘partially hydrogenated oils’ or ‘shortenings’ in the ingredients list

By Dr Meghana Pasi 18/09/2020

When Walls Talk

Newly painted Aangawadi offices in Udaipur help spread awareness about nutrition during pregnancy

By Sijo John 01/02/2021

How To Eat Right, Bite By Bite

The pandemic has changed our eating habits dramatically, often ignoring our nutrition needs without realising it. But ensuring that we get the right nutrition is not all that difficult.

By Bipasha Das 13/09/2020

5 Ways To Ensure A Healthy And Nutritious Diet

Here are a few diet and lifestyle tips which could help you beat the pandemic.

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/09/2020