
Millets And Sprouts Likely To Be Included In Midday Meals In Karnataka

In order to incorporate millets and sprouts into its mid-day meals, the state administration requested more than 11,000 tonnes of millets from the central government in March

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/06/2023

Millets May Enter Uttar Pradesh's Mid Day Meal Menu

According to experts, millets are dense in nutrients as well as essential compounds and make for a better food option than wheat or rice

By PTI 30/04/2023

Automation Can Mitigate Risks in Public Feeding

Innovative, CAPEX-friendly technology could ensure efficient hygiene and safety compliance monitoring for large-scale public feeding programmes

By Shridhar Venkat 06/04/2021

To Eradicate Malnutrition, We Must Start At The Grassroots

The various factors that contribute to malnutrition cannot be tackled by health professionals alone

By Dr. Angela Chaudhuri 20/03/2021

ICDS And Mid-Day Meal Scheme To Provide Fortified Rice From April

About 65 per cent of India's population consumes rice as a staple food. Fortification of rice is a cost-effective and complementary strategy to increase vitamin and mineral content in diets and a step towards nutritional security 

By PTI 12/03/2021

Nutrition For School-Going Children In The Absence Of Mid-Day Meals

UNICEF data shows that on an average 370 million children may miss on nutritious school meals because of the pandemic.

By Dr. Sujeet Ranjan 21/09/2020

Why Reviving Midday Meals Is A Must

Over 9.12 crore underprivileged children get their daily nutrition from the midday-meal scheme, which has been disrupted by the pandemic.

By Anjula Gurtoo 17/09/2020

These Mamata Gharas Prevent Child Malnutrition

Over 1, 800 tribal children in high-malnutrition pockets of Keonjhar district find succour in creches which feed and protect them while their parents work.

By Akshay Ravi 15/07/2020

“If Children Are Well Fed And Well Educated, We Will Have A Different Country”: Chanchalapathi Dasa

How The Akshaya Patra Foundation Enhances Children’s Learning Experience Through Nutritive, Balanced And Appetising Mid-day Meals

By Lola Nayar 26/12/2019

Good Things Come In Small Packages: Harnessing The Power Of Fortified Rice On World Food Day

On World Food Day, a report on a multipronged approach to combat hidden hunger and micronutrient malnutrition

By Neeraj Jain 16/10/2019