
Poshan 2.0: Identify And Hospitalize Severely Malnourished Children, Center Tells States

The Ministry for Women and Child Development also asks states to set up Poshan Vatikas and promote Yoga 

By Prakash Kumar 19/02/2021

Right To Food Campaign Says Union Budget 2021-22 Ignored Women And Children 

The demands of the outfit include universalization of PDS, hot cooked meals for children under three years and pregnant and lactating women, minimum wages for anganwadi workers and helpers and ASHAs  

By Prakash Kumar 05/02/2021

Stunting And Sanitation In India: More Questions Than Answers

The link between open defecation (OD) and stunting has been well-established in literature on the subject

By Payal Seth 03/02/2021

Anaemia Rising Among Women And Children In NE

Situation has worsened in Gujarat, Maharashtra and West Bengal as well

By Prakash Kumar 02/02/2021

Optimise Supplementary Nutrition Programme’s Take Home Ration Component: Niti Aayog

There is a scope for public-private partnerships and a role for private business engagement in improving nutrition outcomes

By Prakash Kumar 01/02/2021

Budget Slots Rs 20,105 Crore For Mission Poshan 2.0

The existing Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP) and the Poshan Abhiyan will be merged to formulate the new umbrella programme, Poshan 2.0, to combat malnutrition more effectively.

By Prakash Kumar 02/02/2021

10 Food Tips To Keep You Warm

Here's how to replenish your body with some hot winter delicacies

By Dr Meghana Pasi 28/01/2021

Even Nutrition Suffers From Gender-Based Inequality

With one in every four women in India suffering from malnutrition it is time for urgent corrective action

By Shaonli Chakraborty 27/01/2021

The Challenge Of Acute Malnutrition

Treating Severely Acute Malnourished children must be the first priority of healthcare workers

By Piyasree Mukherjee 25/01/2021

Make India Great: Nourish The Girl Child

On National Girl Child Day, here's a primer on how the prevailing inequalities, socio-cultural norms, and discrimination in providing nutrition to girls impacts the entire nation

By Prapti Adhikari 24/01/2021