
Making Gains From Biodiversity

Biodiversity is fundamental to industry and society, with direct or indirect benefits ranging from providing resources to building critical infrastructure, to improving asset resilience to climate change or creating attractive environments for people to live...

By Theuns Kotze 03/07/2023

Protecting Nature Supports Human Development: IUCN Report

The key finding of the report confirms that protected areas are already contributing to all of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/11/2021

IUCN Congress Closes With Call For A Post-pandemic Recovery Based On Nature

In Marseille more than 1,500 IUCN Members adopted 148 resolutions and recommendations plus a new leadership.

By Outlook Planet Desk 11/09/2021

Threats To Crop Wild Relatives Compromising Food Security And Livelihoods

A new study states that 35% of wild species are threatened with extinction, as wild habitats have been converted for human use.

By Outlook Planet Desk 08/09/2021

Tuna Species Recovering Despite Growing Pressures On Marine Life - IUCN Red List

The IUCN Red List now includes 138,374 species of which 38,543 are threatened with extinction.

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/09/2021