
Monitoring countrywide levels of air pollution

Researchers propose a novel approach to setting up regionally representative air quality monitoring sites.

By Debdutta Paul 27/10/2020

India’s air pollution plan is a disappointment

India, one of the countries worst affected by air pollution, has come out with a draft of a new action plan but the plan is deeply flawed

By Joydeep Gupta 24/08/2020

Extreme heat and air pollution to rise rapidly in India

The frequency of days with both extreme heat and extreme air pollution could massively increase by 2050, and so would the number of people who will be affected by those days

By Yangyang Xu, Xiaohui Xu 24/08/2020

Can the pandemic shutdown teach South Asia about air pollution?

The pandemic lockdowns have forced South Asia to shut down polluting firms, but after they are lifted air pollution can still be controlled, and transboundary collaboration will help

By Syed Muhammad Abubakar; Ankita Anand 24/08/2020

Save Our Seas

It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the seas and degradation is already being seen in rapidly declining fish stocks across the globe. There is a need to bring more marine areas under protection

By Juhi Chaudhary 06/08/2020