
Re-imagining A Malnutrition-free India

For a country where almost 36% children are underweight, 50% women are anemic already, a rapid call to action and re-shaping system is a big fish to fry. How do we do it?

By Prapti Adhikari Dr Archana Kharyal 24/07/2020

Are Samosas Chasing You?

'Samosas and other snacks will always follow you. The only way to stop indulging in them is to understand how foods cooked in polyunsaturated vegetable oils --sometimes with dangerous trans fats-- can have deadly consequences on your health..'

By Satyendra Garg 02/12/2020

To Lose Some Weight, Try Oats And Rye Bran

Oats and rye not only help you reduce weight, they are packed with other nutrients and fibre which help maintain blood glucose levels and cholesterol levels.

By IANS 07/07/2020

Busting Old Myths About Proteins

If you thought protein only came from a non-vegetarian diet, here's some news for you

By Sethu Vaidyanathan & Parag Agarwal 26/06/2020

Make Every Day A Yoga Day

International Yoga Day serves to remind us of the need to invest in our physical and mental health as a long term plan

By Dr Shweta Khandelwal 21/06/2020

Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Monsoon

Monsoon may increase our chances of falling ill quite often. Here are some essential tips to protect ourselves from several infections and diseases during rainy season.

By IANS 13/06/2020