
Amazon Nations Looking For Action From Industrialised World

The summit reinforces Lula's strategy to leverage global concern for the Amazon's preservation. Emboldened by a 42% drop in deforestation during his first seven months in office, he has sought international financial support for forest protection

By Associated Press 09/08/2023

Venture Capital Industry Focuses On Climate Change

The VCA has been approved by the Race to Zero under the leadership of the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions

By Outlook Planet Desk 09/05/2023

Indians To Write A New Chapter In Climate Discourse Globally

Cyril Shroff Scholarships at Somerville College, University of Oxford, seek to usher in change in India through law and public policy with a lens on tackling the climate crisis, and also lead to brain gain for India

By Naina Gautam 12/09/2022

Climate Intent And Action Need To Match Up

World Environment Day 2022 is not only a day to express intent, but also step on the gas on climate actions

By Rajiv Tikoo 05/06/2022

Climate Change In Times Of War And Peace

Renewable energy and hydrogen can reduce help reduce emissions, but there is a need for conferences of parties to reduce larger risks to the planet, its life-forms and the human civilization

By Dr.Jami Hossain 03/06/2022

It’s Now Or Never, If We Want To Limit Global Warming To 1.5°C: Head Of UN Climate Panel

Despite all the challenges and lofty targets, the world can still meet climate targets if all sectors take up mitigation efforts immediately, says the latest report by IPCC

By Shailja Tripathi 05/02/2022

Climate Activists Demonstrate In Front Of Delhi Secretariat

Similar protests were carried out in 17 other locations, including Bengaluru, Jammu, Patna, Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad, Agra, Meerut, Kolkata, Thane, Thiruvananthapuram, among many others.

By Outlook Planet Desk 26/09/2021

How India Can Cool The People Without Warming The Planet

India has reaffirmed its standing role on climate change action and must adopt a sustained and long-term roadmap with periodic targets on domestic manufacturing and usage of HFC alternatives.

By Priyami Dutta 06/09/2021

Climate Change Is Intensifying And Affecting Every Region On Earth: IPCC

IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science

By Outlook Planet Desk 09/08/2021

Biden puts US back into fight to slow global warming

President Joe Biden returned the United States to the worldwide fight to slow global warming in one of his first official acts and immediately launched a series of climate-friendly efforts that would transform how Americans drive and get their power.

By Outlook Planet Desk 21/01/2021