
Your Guide To Eating Right In 2021

A proper balanced diet is the secret mantra to keep our extremely complex biological systems and senses functioning smoothly.

By Rhythm Kapoor 07/02/2021

How Food Determines Your Mood

Here are some diet tips to help boost your mood and keep you cheerful all day long

By Dr. JPS Bakshi 21/01/2021

What Does India Weigh On The Malnutrition Scale?

Poshan Abhiyaan targets to reduce stunting, anaemia, underweight and low birth weight in children. The potential challenge is how to bring social and behavioural change towards malnutrition at community level amidst the pandemic

By Dr. Sunil Rajpal 19/09/2020

A Deadly Addiction Called Fast Food

Fast foods maybe convenient and delicious, but they are as addictive as heroin and lead to a host of deadly diseases

By Swati Garbyal 25/05/2020