
UN Report Warns India Heading Towards Groundwater Depletion Tipping Point

World Sustainability Day 2023: Environmental tipping points are critical thresholds in the Earth's systems, beyond which abrupt and often irreversible climate changes occur

By PTI 26/10/2023

We Must Prepare For The Likely El Nino-Induced Drought

El-Nino is anticipated to return by the middle of 2023, thus it is essential to take a proactive approach with both short-term and long-term remedies

By Parul Jain 21/06/2023

Call For Funding UN's $7 Billion Appeal For Horn Of Africa 

Persistent conflict in some of the affected areas, combined with climate change effects, have contributed to the growing crisis 

By Associated Press 23/05/2023

Malnourishment Has Risen By 45% In The last Seven Years

Climate change will increase the frequency, duration and severity of droughts in many parts of the world, including India, hampering agriculture and pushing more people into the downward spiral of malnutrition.

By Charupadma Pati 15/09/2019