
Will The UAE Presidency Succeed In Securing Tangible Climate Wins At COP28

COP28: The first global stocktake mandated by the Paris Agreement is expected to be conducted at the COP28 to check progress of countries with reference to their commitments

By Abhiir Bhalla 02/11/2023

Localising Sustainable Development Goals In Arunachal Pradesh

Besides launching the booklet on LSDGs, Khandu visited the LSDG-model village set up at the venue that illustrates the nine parameters for wholesome development of a village in convergence mode

By PTI 25/04/2023

China, US & EU to occupy more than 90% carbon space by 2050: Study

The study 'The Carbon Space Implications of Net Negative Targets', released on Tuesday, also estimates that the net-zero commitments made by the 10 big emitters are inadequate and would surpass the 1.5 degrees Celsius carbon space by 33 per cent by 2050.

By Outlook Planet Desk 14/11/2021

Climate Equity Monitor Launched To Track Promises And Action

Climate Equity Monitor an online dashboard for assessing, at the international level, equity in climate action, inequalities in emissions, energy and resource consumption across the world, goes LIVE.

By Outlook Planet Desk 01/11/2021