
UN Launches 'Guiding Principles' For Near-Zero Carbon Hydrogen

The 'Guiding Principles for Climate-aligned Hydrogen Deployment' will assist stakeholders in managing complex issues of path dependency, emissions accounting, and health and socioeconomic equity.

By Outlook Planet Desk 22/10/2021

Greenpeace Chief Warns Of ''Greenwashing'' At UN Climate Talks

“Working behind the scenes to try and delete scientific literature to me just shows the extent to which they are going to try and stop all progress or any progress that's possible to solve the climate crisis,” said Morgan.

By Outlook Planet Desk 22/10/2021

Indian Agri Waste Recycling Project Wins Prince William’s Earthshot Prize

It was among five worldwide winners of the prize, created by William, the Duke of Cambridge, to reward people trying to save the planet.

By Outlook Planet Desk 22/10/2021

India Begins Its Journey In The Large Scale Battery Energy Storage System

In order to support the ambitious goal of achieving 450 GW renewable energy target the country also needs installation of energy storage systems

By Outlook Planet Desk 17/10/2021

Climate Crisis: What Can Trees Really Do For Us?

Scientific models have estimated how much tree planting or reforestation is needed to offset rising CO2 in the atmosphere. As with most efforts to translate theory into action, the real-world experiences of actually doing this are often very messy indeed.

By Outlook Planet Desk 15/10/2021

Overseas Trade Has A Hidden Environmental ‘Disaster Footprint’ – New Report

Many of the environmental gains achieved by major polluters derive not from sustainable emissions reductions, but from moving carbon-intensive processes to manufacturing bases in developing countries.

By Outlook Planet Desk 14/10/2021

COP26 Explainer: Keeping 1.5C Future Alive Hinges In Glasgow

The science is clear in a stark warning ahead of the COP26 in a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations organisation, that warns human activity is damaging the planet at an alarming rate.

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/10/2021

Govts Will Have To Help Create Markets To Hit Goal Of Zero Emissions: Bill Gates

Speaking at the India Today Conclave 2021, he said governments will have to help create markets to hit the goal of zero emissions down from 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases.

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/10/2021

Developed Countries Should Do A Net-Minus In Order To Vacate Carbon Space In 2050 For Developing Countries To Grow: India

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stressed that emissions must fall by half by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions no later than 2050 to reach the 1.5 Celsius goal of the Paris Agreement.

By Outlook Planet Desk 09/10/2021

Environment Minister Pitches For Global Public Partnership To Tackle Climate Change

Under the Paris agreement, countries agreed to limit the global average temperature rise to “well below” 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and “make efforts” to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

By Outlook Planet Desk 08/10/2021