
India Develops A Robust Mechanism For Online Trading of Energy Saving Certificates

In the energy transition efforts, India is the only G-20 country that is on the track for below 2-degree rise as per the Paris agreement

By Outlook Planet Desk 20/08/2021

Climate Change Is Intensifying And Affecting Every Region On Earth: IPCC

IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science

By Outlook Planet Desk 09/08/2021

77% Of Maharashtra’s Cropped Area Vulnerable To Climate Change

Study by Central Government institutes has found that all districts in the Central Maharashtra & Eastern Vidarbha are either moderately or highly vulnerable to the climate change.

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/08/2021

How Cities Can Adapt To Climate Change?

Research identifies 15 proven ways that urban areas around the world can adapt to climate risk.

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/08/2021

The World Has Waited Long Enough For The Delivery Of Promised Climate Finance And Technologies At Low Cost: Bhupender Yadav

India remains steadfast in its commitments to join and lead efforts to combat climate change within the multilaterally agreed convention and its Paris Agreement.

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/08/2021

Earth Networks Releases 2020 India Lightning Report, Reveals 22.6% Increase In Lightning In India Compared To 2019

Karnataka and Maharashtra are amongst the top 10 Indian states with the highest lightning pulse counts during 2020

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/08/2021

Managing Climate Change For India Inc.

An integrated Climate Risk Management Survey for India can help us understand and evaluate the risks posed by climate change

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/08/2021

Deconstructing Climate Change In Central Asia

In Central Asia, scientists stumble on the interactions between land, atmosphere and ocean.

By Ananda Banerjee 06/08/2021

Vulnerable Economies Call Rich Nations To Avert Global Climate-COVID Economic Threat

The V20 group launch ambitious “Climate Prosperity” Program to drive resilient, green investments as 48 most vulnerable economies demand “2020-2024 delivery plan” for the missing $100 billion annual Paris Agreement climate assistance.

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/08/2021

In A Pandemic, When ‘Climate Meets Biodiversity’ Crisis

COVID-19 is a rude awakening for us and business cannot resume as usual. There is urgency in getting all parties and stakeholders to agree and arrest the rapid environmental degradation.

By Ananda Banerjee 06/08/2021