
The Impact Of Covid-19 On Children, Adolescents Health

India alone accounts for 46.6 million stunted children, 97 million are anaemic and undernourished.

By Shrirupa Sengupta 30/09/2020

Healthy Eating Habits For Adolescence Nutrition

POSHAN Abhiyaan also aims to reduce stunting (height-to-age ratio) by 2 per cent each year.

By Dr. Vidya Thobbi 30/09/2020

‘Food Systems Feed, But Don’t Nourish’

The just released Foresight 2.0 report of the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition offers some grim statistics, and also some solutions

By Dr Shweta Khandelwal 30/09/2020

For The Best Nutrition, Go Local

Locally available produce is not only fresher and cheaper, they are usually far more nutritious.

By Dr Satish Tiwari 29/09/2020

The Pivotal Role Of Nutrition In Controlling Lymphatic Filariasis (Elephantiasis)

Undernutrition increases the risk of infection, disease severity and chances of mortality amongst children

By Dr. Sujeet Ranjan 24/09/2020

Nutrition For School-Going Children In The Absence Of Mid-Day Meals

UNICEF data shows that on an average 370 million children may miss on nutritious school meals because of the pandemic.

By Dr. Sujeet Ranjan 21/09/2020

Virtual Conference On Nutrition Research Mulls Fresh Interventions

The conference organised by IFPRI and 19 co-hosts focused on evidence-based insights to further nutrition goals

By Outlook Planet Desk 20/09/2020

Why Reviving Midday Meals Is A Must

Over 9.12 crore underprivileged children get their daily nutrition from the midday-meal scheme, which has been disrupted by the pandemic.

By Anjula Gurtoo 17/09/2020

When Walls Talk

Newly painted Aangawadi offices in Udaipur help spread awareness about nutrition during pregnancy

By Sijo John 01/02/2021

COVID-19: 7 Diet And Lifestyle Tips For Adolescents

Here are seven ways to help adolescents ensure they have a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle that will support building their immunity and overall wellbeing.

By Outlook Planet Desk 14/09/2020