
It’s Now Or Never, If We Want To Limit Global Warming To 1.5°C: Head Of UN Climate Panel

Despite all the challenges and lofty targets, the world can still meet climate targets if all sectors take up mitigation efforts immediately, says the latest report by IPCC

By Shailja Tripathi 05/02/2022

Riding High On Sustainability

L&T’s recent annual sustainability report proves that it is one of the very few Indian companies that engages with all the 17 SDGs

By Shailja Tripathi 03/03/2022

Countries Agree To Target Plastic Pollution By Force At UN Meet, Indian Proposal Not Included

The UNEP resolution, endorsed by representatives from 175 nations in Nairobi, will be implemented through an internationally binding agreement and address the full lifecycle of plastic, including its production, design and disposal

By Shailja Tripathi 03/03/2022

Indian Air Force Is Flying Jets On Green Fuel, But Can We Scale Up?

Sustainable air fuel can play a big role in reducing the carbon emissions for the Indian aviation industry, but its production at scale is marred with challenges of production and policy

By Shailja Tripathi 05/02/2022

Assam Hosts Business Summit To Attract Investment For Making NE A Palm Oil Production Hub

The central government’s palm oil mission envisages expanding oil palm plantation in the country by another 6.5 lakh hectres out of which 3.28 lakh hectres is proposed in the North Eastern states.

By Outlook Planet Desk 05/10/2021