
Statutory ESG Assurance To Challenge Companies In FY’24

At a time when green washing is rampant throughout the world, mandatory ESG disclosure and third-party assurance of disclosures are the primary weapons that regulators deploy against green washing

By Bose K Varghese 03/11/2023

Energy Transition To Biofuels To Help Businesses Become ESG Friendly

The substitution of coal and diesel with eco-friendly biofuels reduces the emission of harmful gases that are detrimental to the environment and contribute to global warming

By Ashvin Patil 26/09/2023

SEBI To Introduce Regulatory Framework On ESG Disclosures

Taking into account the fact that the emerging markets have environmental and social challenges that differ, the ESG Rating Providers (ERPs) “shall be required to consider India/Emerging Market parameters in ESG Ratings”

By Naina Gautam 30/03/2023

ESG Investments: Gaps, Challenges And Way Forward

ESG is an idea whose time has come, and companies should consider incorporating ESG into their decision-making not only under investor pressure but also for self-interest.

By Harish HV 29/03/2023

A Transition From Profit-First To People-First Business Ecosystem

India Inc. may easily take advantage of the untapped potential for growth that ESG implementation and integration present

By Vaibhav Maloo 24/01/2023