
RBI Issues Framework For Acceptance Of Green Deposits By Banks, NBFCs

The financial sector can be crucial in mobilising resources and allocating them to green initiatives and activities.

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/04/2023

Financial Institutions Uncertain Of The Best Way To Communicate Changing Climate-Related Risk

Businesses and financial institutions still lack a defined strategy for addressing risks related to nature

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/04/2023

Building A Sustainable Future At Workplace

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Outlook Planet highlights how benefits of diversity and inclusion go beyond promoting social justice and equality to drive positive change in areas like sustainability 

By Ashwini Deodeshmukh 08/03/2023

LiFE Emerges As Key Issue At G20 Group Meeting

The importance of LiFE (Lifestyles for Environment) Principles was highlighted, as behaviour changes to encourage use of sustainable alternatives to single use plastics, prevention of littering etc.  would contribute to clean and healthy oceans

By Outlook Planet Desk 12/02/2023

 G20: First Meeting Of Environment And Climate Group Starts In Bengaluru

With a focus on restoring mining and forest fire-affected areas, the inaugural Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG) meeting under India's G20 leadership began on Thursday in Bengaluru

By PTI 09/02/2023

Protecting Nature Supports Human Development: IUCN Report

The key finding of the report confirms that protected areas are already contributing to all of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

By Outlook Planet Desk 06/11/2021

To Save Wildlife And Birds, Ladakh Govt Asks Army To Train Pure-Bred Ladakhi Dogs

Over the years feral dogs have been on a rampage in Ladakh, preying on exotic wildlife species.

By Outlook Planet Desk 30/10/2021

UN Meet In Kunming China Demonstrates Global Commitment For Biodiversity Framework

UN Biodiversity Conference’s High-Level Segment sees creation of Kunming Biodiversity Fund, adoption of Kunming Declaration, building political impetus for adoption of ambitious post-2020 global biodiversity framework

By Outlook Planet Desk 14/10/2021

Nature, Climate And ‘One-Health Approach Integrating Animal, Environmental And Human Health’ Core Of Our Post COVID-19 Recovery: Environment Minister

The pandemic has shown that respect for nature is not just a moral or ethical consideration, it is an imperative for keeping ourselves, our health and our economies safe, as well as for future generations.

By Outlook Planet Desk 13/10/2021

Research Shows How Plastics Threaten Marine Biodiversity

The new study builds on previous research by Queen's University that showed hermit crabs were less likely to touch or enter high-quality shells when exposed to microplastics.

By Outlook Planet Desk 13/10/2021