
Delhi Air Quality Failed to Improve Even with Improved Ventilations

The national capital's air quality remained 'very poor' on Sunday, with stubble burning contributing 40 per cent to Delhi's pollution and negating the effect of better ventilation, according to a government forecasting agency.

By Outlook Planet Desk 10/11/2020

Monitoring countrywide levels of air pollution

Researchers propose a novel approach to setting up regionally representative air quality monitoring sites.

By Debdutta Paul 27/10/2020

Making Toast Can Cause Air Pollution

Making a simple breakfast toast could contribute to a high level of indoor air pollution, say researchers.

By Outlook Planet Desk 03/09/2020

India’s air pollution plan is a disappointment

India, one of the countries worst affected by air pollution, has come out with a draft of a new action plan but the plan is deeply flawed

By Joydeep Gupta 24/08/2020

Where’s the air quality data?

The Global State of Play’ examined 212 countries and found 109 (51%) governments are not producing air quality data of any major pollutants, while 103 are.

By Pallavi Pant / IndiaAQ Hub 03/09/2020