
Making Indian Agriculture Future-Ready 

The National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture, scientific warehousing and deployment of drone technologies need to be promoted and facilitated for small scale farmers, too

By Neelam Gupta 23/04/2023

Five Actions For G7 To Drive Progress To Sustainable Agrifood Systems: QU Dongyu, FAO

The five key actions relate to the roles of markets, assistance, agrifood systems, the private sector and science and innovation, elaborated QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization, in his addresses at the G7 meeting of...

By Outlook Planet Desk 23/04/2023

Agri-Tech Developments To Address Food Security, Inefficient Supply Chains, And Climate Change

AIM, NITI Aayog, and UNCDF released a whitepaper which presents doable solutions to problems faced by agri-tech start-ups 

By Outlook Planet Desk 21/04/2023

Agri Scientists' Meet To Focus On Sustainable Agri-food Systems

The Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists (MACS) in G20 is instrumental in promoting joint action to put science-based solutions for achieving sustainable, resilient and profitable agri-food systems

By PTI 16/04/2023

Community Seed Banks In India Help Reintroduce Millets

 An FAO initiative seeks to increase resilience in farming practices, enhance nutrition and support livelihoods by reintroducing and improving farmers’ access to oilseeds, pulses and small grains  

By Outlook Planet Desk 16/04/2023

Women’s Equality In Agrifood Systems To Reduce Food Insecurity

Tackling gender inequalities in agrifood systems and empowering women reduces hunger, boosts the economy and reinforces resilience to shocks like climate change  

By Outlook Planet Desk 15/04/2023

SCO Millet Food Festival Begins

The public can savour a variety of cuisines made of different millets prepared by chefs from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan, Russia and India

By Outlook Planet Desk 15/04/2023

Agriculture Chief Scientists To Meet In Kashi 

Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems will be the theme of the ACS meet to be held as part of the G20 session

By Outlook Planet Desk 10/04/2023

Asia-Pacific Remains Far From Being On Track To Meet The Targets Of SDG 6: Report 

The United Nations World Water Development Report urges for collective action and partnerships to manage water resources optimally

By Outlook Planet Desk 24/03/2023

Poshan Pakhwada To Focus On Millets

With the declaration of 2023 as the International Year of Millets, this year the focus of Poshan Pakhwada will be to popularise ‘Shree Anna’ -- the mother of all grains -- as a valuable asset to address malnutrition

By Outlook Planet Desk 21/03/2023