
How Uttarakhand Rajma Growers Benefit Using This Method

Introduction of new methods, like ridge planting, use of vertical net trellis system instead of wooden stakes have helped farmers increase yield by 40%.

By Outlook Planet Desk 22/03/2021

'Awareness Week' In March To Celebrate American Farmworkers

Growers, agricultural associations, and consumers will be encouraged to share messages with #AlwaysEssential, honouring farmworkers.

By Outlook Planet Desk 22/03/2021

This New Greenhouse Is Expected To Break New Ground

The 1.5-acre facility will rely on 99% sunlight and recycled water of up to 7,500 gallons a month and produce about 500 tons of leafy greens per year.

By Outlook Planet Desk 20/03/2021

Women Farmers No More Mere Spectators In Agriculture Laws Protests

Point of View provides a 360-degree perspective on crucial farm issues. Here, what women’s rights activist Jagmati Sangwan writes on the new agri laws.

By Jagmati Sangwan 19/03/2021

You Can Now Buy This 'No Kill' Fertiliser

It is a blend of solar processed poultry manure, guano, and sunflower hull ash that provides essential nutrients in bioavailable forms.

By Outlook Planet Desk 20/03/2021

Asia Pacific Records Region’s Best Performance In Food Affordability

EIU’s GFSI measures the drivers of food security through the underlying factors of affordability, availability, quality and safety, and natural resources and resilience in the region.

By Outlook Planet Desk 17/03/2021

This Anti-COVID Face Mask May Make Your Garden Bloom

A Dutch designer has created a face cover that, unlike surgical masks, can be buried after use and is said to bloom into flowers in some time

By Outlook Planet Desk 17/03/2021

Global Body To Meet Over Plant Disease, Pandemic Concerns

The IPPC ePhyto Solution has allowed countries to exchange electronic phytosanitary certificates and assured the safe trade of plants.

By Outlook Planet Desk 17/03/2021

‘Farm-To-Table’ Movement Will Benefit Local Farmers

Direct sourcing from farmers eliminates involvement of middlemen, reduces transport time and nutrition is kept as intact as possible

By Outlook Planet Desk 17/03/2021

An Agenda For Agricultural Reforms

Point of View provides a 360-degree perspective on crucial farm issues. Barun Mitra here outlines key issues on the political deadlock over farm laws

By Barun Mitra 11/03/2021