
What’s Hot, What’s Not And What’s Trending?

By Bipasha Das February 05, 2020

Top Eight Urban Diet Trends For 2020

What’s Hot, What’s Not And What’s Trending?
What’s Hot, What’s Not And What’s Trending?.

For sustainable and optimum weight-loss (read fat-loss) healthy lifestyle should be our priority. This includes eating right to be the key priority, along with being physically active. Talking about diet, which we know is the integral part in achieving overall healthy lifestyle, the battle can get confusing when you go searching the Internet for the “best diet.” There are so many diet patterns that trend on social media, that it well and truly baffles us. Plus, these diets work differently for every individual. Hence, it gets really very tricky to circle out the one diet that suits you and then follow it. So, here let us talk about some of the most popular diets trending this year.

1.Detox diet: As the name suggests, it flushes toxins out of your system. Some focus on fasting or just on drinking liquids. Others allow some foods, say fruits and vegetables. They typically are short diets—and not a way of eating you can stick to in the long run. It is best to take these up after festive seasons and special occasions, where binge-eating on unhealthy foods is common.

2.Intermittent fasting: The state of the science on intermittent fasting has evolved to the point that it can now be considered as one approach, with exercise and healthy food, to improving and maintaining health as a lifestyle approach. There are two main ways to adopt intermittent fasting into your life:

•Daily time-restricted feeding gives you a narrow window during which you can eat, usually 6 to 8 hours each day. This includes 14/16/18 hrs fasting with 10/8/6 hrs eating duration. Provided healthy eating and portion control to be done.

•5:2 intermittent fasting requires that people only eat one moderate-sized meal on two days each week.

3. Keto diet- Keto diet is a low carb, high fat and moderate protein diet. Lowering the body’s carb intake induces the body into what is called a ketosis. This state leads to the production of ketones through the liver’s breakdown of fat and hence the body starts burning ketones a source of fat as its primary source of energy. Some of the benefits of optimal ketone levels include- weight loss, enhanced mental and physical performance and good blood sugar control, hormone imbalances.

4. Metabolic diet-The diet focuses on the way your body metabolizes its food, as those with a faster metabolism are likely to burn more fat. The more constraint is given on timing and frequent eating of healthy food option, that helps in increasing your metabolism.

5. Paleo diet - it’s basically a high-protein, high-fiber eating plan that promises you can lose weight without cutting calories. Diet includes fresh lean meats and fish, fruits, and vegetables, and healthier fats, but can't eat any processed foods, and diary on this diet.

6. Vegan diet- The basic philosophy related to vegan diet is based on two schools of nutritional (as well as ethical and environmental) thought to support a plant-based diet that eliminates many or all animal products. If we consider the simplest definition of vegetarianism is a diet, free of all food sources from animals meat, fish, and fowl flesh. But eating habits of vegetarians vary from person to person some are lacto-ovo vegetarians, who avoid animal flesh but eat eggs and milk products or some do avoid eggs also. On the other hand vegan is a class in which all the animal based products including honey, dairy products, eggs, non veg are avoided. Vegan diet are those who depends mainly on raw fruits, vegetables, legumes, sprouts, and nuts. People are more into habit of consuming plant based proteins like soya bean, pulses, whole grain flour, ragi/bajra flour or all types of millets. Even almond, oats or soya milk are being consumed instead of cow milk.

7. Gm diet-The diet plan was introduced around 1985 by General Motors for its employees. This diet limits your weekly food intake and focuses on eating fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy brown rice and for non-vegetarians, boiled chicken. It also emphasises on the consumption of complex carbohydrates, low-calorie vegetables and increased intake of water. This goes on per day basis limiting to 1 food group only. Like for example for 1st day only fruits, 2nd day- only vegetables, 3rd day- fruits and vegetables except for banana, 4th day- only bananas and milk, 5th -6th day – dal-rice and cheese, 7th day- complete meal etc.

8. Mediterranean diet- one of the easiest diet to follow is Mediterranean diet plan, the best at preventing diabetes, and the best plant-based diet. But in general, you'd be eating lots of fruits and vegetables, beans and nuts, healthy grains, fish, olive oil, small amounts of meat and dairy and red wine. Along with good amount of workout/daily exercise. Basically the focus is laid on healthy eating with good portion control and timely eating.
