
Unlocking The Potential Of PPPs In Addressing Nutritional Gaps In India

By Himanshu Bakshi October 06, 2023

As the nation progresses towards a healthier future, collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors will lay out a powerful strategy to bridge the nutrition gap

Unlocking The Potential Of PPPs In Addressing Nutritional Gaps In India
Businesses can be successful if they are able to deliver nutritious, safe, affordable, inclusive and sustainable diets which promote health development through the lifecycle. Shutterstock

In India, malnutrition has long been a grave concern, but the urgency of the issue is unknown to the masses. Millions of lives are lost every year due to poor nutritional standards and a lack of awareness and access to a healthy lifestyle. 

In countries like India, where malnutrition is a major challenge, public private partnerships (PPPs) can play a pivotal role in bridging the nutrition deficit of the country. While private companies within the food industry possess the capacity to manufacture products aimed at addressing malnutrition, a PPP model can greatly improve their distribution. Combining the strengths of both sectors, PPPs provide an efficient solution to combat these issues, leading to better health and nutrition outcomes.  

According to the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the percentage of malnourished children was found to be 7.7 per cent of the total population. Therefore, it becomes extremely critical to spread awareness among the community on the importance of a balanced and diverse diet and empowering them to make smarter nutrition choices. Investing in nutrition today, will have a significant long-term benefit that will reverberate through every aspect of life, building a healthier future.

One interesting example is the government of India’s initiative, the Take-Home Rations programme, which is a part of the supplementary nutrition programme that provides monthly fortified rations to children under three years of age as well as pregnant women and lactating mothers. It ensures the delivery of fortified food to the last mile in the country. Such programmes make nutrition aspirational, affordable and ensure quality.

Fostering collaborations for a healthier planet 

As the nation progresses towards a healthier future, collaborative efforts between the public and private sectors will lay out a powerful strategy to bridge the nutrition gap. The synergy creates a unique opportunity to leverage resources, expertise, and innovation, resulting in effective and sustainable solutions. This will also help in establishing clear pathways to ensure that the focus remains on improving public health nutrition and securing a sustainable future for our generations to come.  

Commitment to social wellbeing is beyond doing business

The rise of new business models that address social issues while maintaining profitability holds the potential to fulfil people's long-term nutritional requirements. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that our role extends beyond business. It encompasses a commitment to societal well-being and vision for a healthier nation. By joining hands with the government and other public entities, we can drive impactful initiatives, extending our reach across the country. As investor interest in the nutrition agenda rises, and interests from corporates in sustainability practices heightens, long-term viability of sustainable development goals to improve nutrition and create a positive impact on the nutritional well-being is also being considered.  

Notably, companies are going beyond strategic commitments, several businesses have already started benefiting from innovative and complementary opportunities that align with their mission to contributing to the vital nutrition journey. Businesses can be successful if they are able to deliver nutritious, safe, affordable, inclusive and sustainable diets which promote health development through the lifecycle and collaboration such as that of PPPs only help creating that greater impact.  

Time and again, we have always showcased commitment to forging strategic partnerships, generating insights, sharing knowledge, championing children’s right to nutrition, and mobilising the necessary resources to reach every child in need. We are a firm believer that good nutrition is a key component of empowering people. One of the key areas where we feel there is a need to actively engage and contribute is early childhood nutrition. Through partnerships with various organisations, we are working to ensure that children, regardless of their socio-economic background, have access to the essential nutrients they need during the critical early years of development. In a world where partnerships are increasingly essential, our commitment serves as an inspiring model for ensuring a healthier, more sustainable future for all.  

(Himanshu Bakshi, Managing Director, Danone India &India South-East Asia Specialised Nutrition Lead.)
