
Smart Waste Management Too Needs Community Action

By Abhishiek Agarwal March 19, 2024

From IoT sensors to AI-powered sorting systems, technology is revolutionising how we manage waste, making the process more sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly

Smart Waste Management Too Needs Community Action

We might be cleaning our homes and taking out all the garbage regularly. But have you ever wondered, after we discard the unnecessary things from our homes, where does all this garbage go? This is where waste management comes into action, as it refers to the various schemes to manage and dispose of waste products. Waste management can be done by discarding, destroying, processing, recycling, reusing, or controlling waste. The main objective behind this is to reduce waste materials and prevent health and environmental hazards. 

Over the years, the issue of waste management has become more and more critical, as with the increase in population, the increased amount of waste generated may pose significant challenges for disposal, recycling, and environmental sustainability. Also, according to data by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, a significant amount of waste ends up in landfills, as only a portion of waste generated annually is collected and processed for recycling.  

However, the advancements in technology in different sectors have paved a new path when it comes to waste management solutions. The technologically driven evolution of waste management offers smarter, more efficient methods for handling and reducing waste. From IoT sensors to AI-powered sorting systems, technology is revolutionising how we manage waste, making the process more sustainable, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.  

Well, with the rapid rise of population in India, waste management has turned out to be a major issue. Though many attempts are made to manage waste efficiently, there are still some challenges that continue to pose serious threats to the environment.   

Waste Management Challenges in India  

Densely populated – India is one of the world's largest and fastest-growing countries. Not only this, the rapid urbanisation in many cities and towns has also led to generating vast quantities of waste, making it harder for existing resources to tackle this issue and putting immense pressure on the waste management infrastructure.  

Inadequate infrastructure - One of the challenges of waste management in India is the inadequate infrastructure for the same. Many regions of the country still lack proper facilities for waste collection, transportation, treatment, and disposal. This forces municipalities to resort to primitive methods such as open dumping and burning, which not only pollute the environment but also pose serious health risks. 

Lack of awareness – Many people in India are still unaware of the importance of proper waste management practices. They do not dispose of their waste at the source, making recycling efforts less efficient and worsening the burden on landfills. This lack of awareness underlines the need for comprehensive public education campaigns to introduce habits of waste segregation, recycling, and responsible disposal of waste.   

Role of Technology in Waste Management  

Mobile apps – If waste management has to become a phenomenon in India, the general masses will have to be involved and to do so, use-friendly technology like mobile app will step in. They are a very good medium to get the masses involved and interested in making the Earth a healthy place to live. Mobile apps make it easier for people to report any problems with waste, arrange for pickups, and learn about how to sort their trash and recycle properly. By using these apps, everyone can work together as a community to make a positive difference in the environment.   

Smart waste bins - Equipped with sensors, smart bins can monitor their fill levels in real time and send alerts to waste management authorities when they need to be emptied. This not only optimises waste collection routes but also reduces unnecessary pickups, thereby saving time, fuel, and manpower.  

Smart tracking systems – The IoT also helps keep an eye on waste from generation to disposal. By embedding RFID tags or QR codes on waste containers, authorities can track the movement, for better accountability, transparency, and optimisation of waste management processes. With this smart tracking system, everyone involved in waste management, like the people who make the waste, those who collect it, and even the recycling centres, can talk to each other easily. This makes the whole process smoother and more organised.   

To tackle the issue of waste management, the use of smart trash cans, systems that track waste, phone apps, turning waste into energy, and a special system called blockchain can make it easier for everyone. 

While waste management through technology may sound fancy, to make it successful, everyone must join hands, including the government, businesses, community groups, and regular people like you and me.   

(Abhishiek Agarwal is Founder and CEO of Goodeebag.)
