
Shifting The Foundation

By Vinita Singhania March 21, 2024

While the cement industry has been the centre of criticism for its massive carbon footprint, women leaders, with their forward-thinking approach, promise to promote sustainability in the industry

Shifting The Foundation

In an industry traditionally dominated by men and characterised by its heavy carbon footprint, is now experiencing a monumental shift. Women leaders are breaking the bias and bringing a much-needed feminine touch to the cement sector. Beyond merely being drivers of change, they are redefining and transforming the cultural landscape of the industry. The nurturing and inclusive nature of feminine energy that women leaders bring to the table can foster a sense of belonging and empathy among employees. In fact, these are essential qualities for building a sustainable and inclusive work environment for employees where they can thrive, and women can do this very effortlessly. 

Well, the reason for this is traditionally associated with feminine qualities that a woman is born with. Just as cement holds families and relationships together, women leaders possess an innate ability to nurture and care, which allows them to tap into the emotional cords of team members, providing them with a sense of comfort and togetherness.

Laying Sustainable Foundation with Women Leaders

Why does gender diversity matter in an industry seemingly entrenched in tradition? The answer lies in the inherent value of diverse perspectives. Women bring a unique lens to leadership as compared to men. Their gaze focuses more on how matters can be handled collaboratively and in an empathetic manner. These qualities are not only conducive to innovation but also vital for addressing the pressing sustainability challenges facing the cement industry. 

For decades, women leaders have championed the cause of gender equality in the corporate world. Their efforts not only promote social justice but also yield tangible economic benefits. A McKinsey report estimated that advancing women's equality could add $12 trillion to global GDP by 2025, highlighting the compelling business case for diversity in leadership. Moreover, firms with higher proportions of women in leadership positions have often seen improved financial performance, which also underlines the fact that it is important to have diverse perspectives in decision-making.

One of the key areas where women leaders have made a tangible difference is in driving decarbonisation efforts. In the context of global efforts to minimise greenhouse gas emissions, the cement industry has been the centre of criticism for its massive carbon footprint. Women leaders, with their forward-thinking approach and commitment to sustainability, bring positive change to the planet. 

Industry Support in Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity 

Efforts to promote inclusivity and diversity are essential for fostering innovation and driving sustainable growth. In organisations, policies should be framed to ensure that female employees receive equal pay for equal work and develop recruitment strategies that target female candidates. Establishing a culture of inclusivity means that businesses will not only have access to diverse skills, but they will also be able to uncover the full ability of their workforce.

Industry associations and NGOs play a crucial role in creating an environment that encourages women’s leadership and diversification in the cement industry. Women's leadership programmes can act as a catalyst for empowering women within the cement industry. Programmes like these will provide a platform for female professionals to network, gain leadership skills. Similarly, to encourage women's participation in this sector, the Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA) has launched the Women of Cement initiative, acknowledging the increasing number of women leading the digital revolution in the industry. 

Looking Forward

As the cement industry charts a course towards a more sustainable and diverse future, the role of women leaders becomes increasingly vital. Their vision, resilience, and commitment to positive change are essential for building a more sustainable and inclusive industry. In conclusion, the impact of women's leadership on sustainability and diversity in the cement industry is profound. Their leadership competencies, commitment to inclusivity, and collaborative spirit are essential for navigating the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. By empowering women leaders, the cement industry can chart a course towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future.

(Vinita Singhania is Vice Chairperson and Managing Director of JK Lakshmi Cement.)
