
Shielding Our Children From The Scourge Of  Plastic Waste

By Surbhi Bafna Gupta June 05, 2023

World Environment Day 2023: Plastic, a material synonymous with convenience and versatility, has surreptitiously crept into every aspect of our lives, including our children's

Shielding Our Children From The Scourge Of  Plastic Waste
India, with its vast population and rapid urbanisation, is grappling with a mounting plastic waste crisis.

India faces a grave environmental challenge from plastic pollution which poses serious threat to our children's well-being and the future of our nation. Delving deep into the intricacies of this issue, I have sought ways to reduce plastic waste from my child's daily life. The solution to this problem starts at home. As parents, it's our responsibility to protect our children from the detrimental impact of plastic waste.

India, with its vast population and rapid urbanisation, is grappling with a mounting plastic waste crisis. From the buzzing streets of Delhi to the serene landscapes of Kerala, plastic has infiltrated every corner of our lives. 

Plastic, a material synonymous with convenience and versatility, has surreptitiously crept into every aspect of our lives, including our children's. This convenience comes at an enormous cost. Its long-lasting nature poses a grave threat to our environment. Did you know that globally, over 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans each year? This toxic waste not only endangers marine life but also contaminates our food chain, ultimately affecting human health. As parents, we must take collective action to mitigate the impact of plastic waste on our children and the environment.

Sustainable Parenting

Sustainable parenting is more than just a trendy catchphrase; it's a necessary shift toward safeguarding our planet for future generations. By embracing this approach, we can actively reduce plastic waste in our children's daily lives and inspire others to follow suit. Let's delve into the world of sustainable parenting and explore innovative ways to reduce plastic consumption in our little ones' lives.

Conscious Consumption

The first step towards curbing plastic waste begins with conscious consumption. By choosing sustainable alternatives, we can create a ripple effect that impacts the entire supply chain. Opt for baby care products made from natural, biodegradable materials such as bamboo or organic cotton. Not only are they gentle on your child's skin, but they are also eco-friendly.

Ditch Single-Use Plastics

Single-use plastics, from disposable diapers to juice pouches, contribute significantly to our plastic problem. Explore reusable alternatives that offer convenience without sacrificing sustainability. Fantastic options like organic bamboo or cloth diapers, stainless steel water bottles, and snack containers made from silicone or stainless steel can drastically reduce plastic waste.

Embrace Recycling

Teaching our children about the importance of recycling empowers them to be eco-conscious citizens. Set up recycling stations in your home, complete with clearly labelled bins for different materials. Explain the recycling process in a fun and engaging manner, encouraging them to actively participate.

Get Crafty and Creative

Engaging your child in do-it-yourself (DIY) projects not only nurtures their creativity but also minimises plastic consumption. Transform old t-shirts into reusable shopping bags, create home-made playdough using natural ingredients, or repurpose glass jars as storage containers. These activities foster a sense of environmental responsibility while providing quality bonding time.

Sustainable Snacking

Snacks on-the-go often come packaged in plastic wrappers, contributing to mountains of waste. Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables or prepare home-made snacks in reusable containers. This not only reduces plastic waste but also promotes a healthier lifestyle for your child.

Participation at the Community Level

Creating change within our immediate circles can have a profound impact on reducing plastic waste. Organise local events or join community initiatives that advocate for sustainable practices. By collectively raising awareness and sharing knowledge, we can foster a culture of sustainability that extends far beyond our homes.

Educating Through Action

As parents, we are the primary influencers in our children's lives. By embodying sustainable practices ourselves, we teach them by example. Explain the reasons behind your choices and involve your child in decision-making processes, cultivating a sense of responsibility towards the environment.

Advocacy: Raising Our Voices

While individual efforts are crucial, collective action and advocacy are necessary to tackle the plastic problem at its core. Support organisations and campaigns dedicated to reducing plastic waste. Petition for stricter regulations and encourage businesses to adopt sustainable practices. Together, we can create a wave of change that reverberates across industries.

It's time we embrace the power of conscious consumption, recycle with enthusiasm, get creative with DIY projects, and be vocal advocates for change. Our children deserve a world where plastic waste is no longer a menacing presence but a distant memory. Together, we can turn the tide and safeguard our planet we all call home. By adopting sustainable practices and instilling eco-conscious values in our children, we can pave the way for a greener future. Let us seize this opportunity on Environment Day and recommit ourselves to reducing plastic waste in our children's lives and creating a sustainable future for generations to come.

(Surbhi Bafna Gupta is founder of Allter, Sustainable Baby Hygiene Brand.)
